November 14, 2019

Thank you to the AKC Humane Fund For Your Continued Support!

Thank you to the AKC Humane Fund for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors Program!

Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors will continue to provide survivors with food and shelter in a safe environment! The AKC Humane Fund gift makes a major impact in the lives of those we serve, especially to those seeking a safe shelter. Through our shelter services, 500 women and children receive safe shelter each year from domestic violence, totaling nearly 9000 nights of safety and rest. With the AKC Humane Fund’s support, we will be able to continue that support for women and children seeking a safe space, and ensure they are provided the assistance they need!



The support of the AKC Humane Fund also helps the pets of women seeking safe shelter. For nearly 20 years, YWCA Spokane’s domestic violence safe shelter has provided a safe place for domestic violence survivors and their pets while connecting them to community resources. Aligned with federal Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act, our shelter reduces one of the many hardships a survivor comes up against in planning to leave a violent situation, for fear of leaving their pets behind. No immunization records or service animal requirements are necessary for shelter admittance.

Intersections of Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty

Current research reveals a direct correlation between domestic violence and pet abuse.

Those of us who own pets know how they can greatly enrich our lives through their abundance of unconditional love and unwavering loyalty. Incredibly tuned in to our emotions, many of our pets sense when we are happy, sad, angry, scared, etc. As devoted companions, they share in much of what we experience at home, so if an owner is trapped in an abusive situation, the pet is typically not exempt from it.


We deeply appreciate the AKC Humane Fund for their commitment to empowering women. Thank you for helping women and families escaping intimate partner domestic violence, unemployment, and homelessness reach their highest potential! Below is a quote from Angelic, a client who benefits from our counseling services. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the AKC Humane Fund for helping women like Angelic with their gift.

“I’ve used almost every one of the services here and it’s changed the trajectory of my life. I was thinking this morning, if it wasn’t for YWCA Spokane I can honestly say I don’t even know if I’d be alive. I was ready to give up. This place has been a huge part of changing the course of my life. It’s the people here. It’s been amazing.”- YWCA Spokane Client

Join the AKC Humane Fund; Donate Today!

If you would like to make a donation supporting YWCA Spokane’s programs and services for victims of domestic violence, please visit our donation page to learn about many ways you can make a positive impactful in the community. Whether it be a one-time donation online, hosting a beneficiary event, or giving gift-in-kind, your support is paramount to our work.

Ways to Donate

By: Drew Swanson

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