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April 24, 2020

Stand Against Racism 2020 Tele-Town Hall Recap

STAND AGAINST RACISM 2020 Tele-Town hall

We are so grateful to all who joined YWCA Spokane in tuning into YWCA USA’s Stand Against Racism Tele-Town Hall event! Each April, 40+ YWCA agencies across the nation host public events that engage in open and honest dialogue, with over 250,000 people, that confront stereotypes and bias as a community. The goal of these annual events is to unite our community in a bold demonstration that delivers a clear message: we are on a mission to eliminate racism. This year, YWCA USA hosted a tele-town hall to kickstart these initiatives across the country as communities adjust to the COVID19 pandemic and change their individual event structures. YWCA Spokane staff, board members, and supporters were among the many engaged in the courageous online conversation.

As we gear up for the 2020 Census, we can’t stress enough the importance of civic engagement in racial justice work. Voting rights, census participation, and civic engagement are, and have always been, core components of racial justice. As civil rights continue to be eroded for communities of color, it is more important than ever to support full access and engagement for marginalized communities, especially women and girls of color, in the political process. During the Tele-Town Hall, speakers and participants explored all of these issues in detail.

Our collective efforts can root out injustice, transform institutions, and create a world that sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do: Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable. If you missed the live conversation, you can watch the video recording of the Tele-Town Hall below.


As a part of YWCA National’s annual campaign, an opportunity is provided to take a pledge to stand united in our efforts to eliminate racism, empower women, stand up for social justice, help families, and strengthen communities. Please consider joining YWCA and hundreds of thousands of people across the country who will engage with us this week during YWCA’s annual Stand Against Racism – and every day.

Mindful of the continuing affliction of institutional and structural racism as well as the daily realities of all forms of bias, prejudice, and bigotry in my own life, my family, my circle of friends, my co-workers, and the society in which I live, with conviction and hope:

I take this pledge, fully aware that the struggle to eliminate racism will not end with a mere pledge but calls for an ongoing transformation within myself and the institutions and structures of our society.

I pledge to look deeply and continuously in my heart and in my mind to identify all signs and vestiges of racism; to rebuke the use of racist language and behavior towards others; to root out such racism in my daily life and in my encounters with persons I know and with strangers I do not know; and to expand my consciousness to be more aware and sensitive to my use of overt and subtle expressions of racism and racial stereotypes;

I pledge to educate myself on racial justice issues and share what I learn in my own communities even if it means challenging my family, my partner, my children, my friends, my co-workers, and those I encounter on a daily basis;

I pledge, within my means, to actively work to support public policy solutions that prominently, openly, and enthusiastically promote racial equity in all aspects of human affairs; and to actively support and devote my time to YWCA, as well as other organizations working to eradicate racism from our society.

YWCA USA is on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. I join YWCA in taking a stand against racism today and every day.



  • Consider joining our recurring community of monthly donors in support of YWCA’s mission and work. Donate Today.
  • Learn more about Stand Against Racism and other ways to join YWCA Spokane’s racial and social justice work.  Learn More.


Continue your engagement

YWCA Spokane staff and our Racial and Social Justice Committee members are hard at work identifying and implementing ways to continue to the conversation right here in our Spokane community! Please monitor our social media pages for more exciting updates about upcoming opportunities to engage in courageous conversation and #StandAgainstRacism.

By: Mia Morton

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