YWCA здесь для вас
Many of YWCA Spokane’s supportive services are available in person. In some cases, services are also available remotely, via phone, video chat, or email.
Get Help Now
Если вы или кто-то из ваших знакомых пострадал от домашнего насилия со стороны интимного партнера, знайте, что на нашем сайте всегда доступны конфиденциальные адвокаты. Круглосуточная горячая линия.
Hours of Operation
Main Office:
- Mon: 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Tue: 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Wed: 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Thu: 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Fri: 8:00am – 3:00pm
930 N Monroe St, Спокан, Вашингтон, 99201
Front Desk: 509-326-1190
Meet with an Advocate
Our Advocates work alongside survivors of intimate partner domestic violence. We offer safety planning, resource referrals, education, and supportive listening.
Appointments are offered in-person, over the phone, or via Zoom.
Schedule an Appointment
Вызов 509-326-1190 or visit the front desk at our main office.
Walk-in Service
Join us Monday mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am at our main office (930 N Monroe St, Spokane).
Support with TANF
If you are accessing supportive services through the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and are impacted by an abusive partner, we are here to help.
Our CSO Advocates are available to provide support to survivors accessing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) through DSHS.
For questions about TANF, call 509-789-9290
Power & Control Wheel
We defines domestic violence as a pattern of controlling behavior used to maintain power in a relationship by one partner over the other.
Планирование безопасности
Considerations to help survivors be safer in their situations.
Support Group
In addition to one-on-one appointments, our Advocates facilitate a weekly support group for adult survivors of intimate partner domestic violence.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
- In-Person: Wednesdays from 4pm - 5pm
- Online: Thursdays from 12pm - 1pm
To sign up or learn more:
Терапия психического здоровья
Our Mental Health Therapy program offers in-person or telehealth appointment options for survivors of intimate partner violence who are focusing on processing and healing trauma.
To Get Started
Survivors meet with a Support Advocate first to assess needs and provide an internal referral to our mental health therapy services.
Connect with a Support Advocate
We offer short-term forms of therapy that are focused on processing acute trauma due to intimate partner domestic violence.
Have Questions?
Вызов 509-789-9297
For Mental Health Emergencies
Call or text the regional crisis line:
Want to learn more about community therapy, counseling, and additional mental health support?
Housing and Shelter
Support for navigating a housing crisis related to intimate partner domestic violence.
Жилищная защита
Housing advocates can provide information about landlord/tenant issues, resources, safety planning, and referrals to other community partners.
Monday Walk-In Clinic
To access this service, attend our walk-in clinic on Monday morning from 9:00am to 11:00am at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201.
Note: Due to capacity, housing advocates can only serve the first 8 survivors who arrive.
Безопасное убежище
The safe shelter manages the helpline and trained advocates can provide a screening to determine if YWCA Spokane’s confidential shelter is an option.
Have Questions?
Advocates are here to answer basic housing questions and provide support.
Вызов 509-326-2255, email help@ywcaspokane.org, or text 509-220-3725.
Юридическая поддержка
Помощь в решении юридических вопросов, судебных разбирательств и оформления документов, связанных с домашним насилием со стороны интимного партнера.
Юридическая защита
For assistance with a Domestic Violence Protection Order, No Contact Order, or criminal case due to DV, please call 509-477-3656 option #1.
If advocates are unable to answer, please leave a detailed message with a safe way to contact you.
A legal advocate can follow up within 1-2 business days.
Walk-in Service
Join us Monday mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am at our main office (930 N Monroe St, Spokane).
Family Law
For assistance with divorce, custody, child support, and parentage, complete our Civil Legal intake form either online or over the phone by calling 509-326-1190.
We accept DV-related family law intakes starting Monday morning, and the form remains open until we reach our weekly case limit. Intakes are reviewed in order and the team will contact you later that week to schedule an appointment either in person, over the phone, or virtually.
Гардероб нашей сестры A free, donation-based women’s clothing & necessity boutique for anyone in need of this service.
Our Sister's Closet offers 90-minute appointments that outfit a client with items that help them feel confidence while achieving personal and professional goals. On average, each client receives between 3 to 5 outfits, plus shoes, makeup, accessories, and personal hygiene products, as they are available.
Вызов 509-789-9280 Friday mornings between 9:00am and noon to schedule an appointment for the following week.
Free on-site childcare is available upon request. Please communicate this need during scheduling.
Care Packages
Urgent clothing and hygiene needs may be assembled into a care package for you to pick up at our front desk, if requested for you by an advocate or social service professional that you are working with at YWCA Spokane or through a partnering service organization.
Clothing Donations
Each week, Our Sister's Closet accepts new and gently used clothing and necessity donations.
Donation Drop-off Info
- Когда: Every Tuesday from 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Расположение: YWCA Spokane, 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
Note: most needed items include new socks and underwear, hygiene supplies, and leggings.
Career & Life Skills
We offer holistic, restorative services for trauma survivors. Groups, classes, and learning opportunities are aimed at supporting healing and wellness while building a supportive community, at no cost to participants.
Готовность к работе
Through mentorship and coaching learn skills and resources for economic independence.
Call or text to learn more, 509-202-0211
Holistic Healing & Skill Development
Includes: Healthy Relationship Skills Group, Yoga For Reclaiming the Body, Expressive Art & Community Connection Group, and Circle of Security Parenting Classes.
Computer Lab
Available for walk-ins to any current clients.
- Mon, Tue, and Thu: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Wed: 10:30am – 4:00pm
Need extra technology support?
- Вызов 509-326-1190 or speak with your advocate to schedule an appointment.
A Calendar of Offerings
View the current holistic services calendar to find program times, descriptions, and contact information.
Бесплатное дошкольное учреждение Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program (ECEAP)
This free preschool is for eligible families with children 3 and 4 years old. All five ECEAP (pronounced “e-cap”) classrooms follow a school day model with learning from 8am – 3pm.
West Plains A&B
13513 W 6th Arrow Point, Airway Heights, WA 99001
Medical Lake
119 N. Lefevre, Medical Lake, WA 99022
Downtown 148
930 N. Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
Downtown 157
930 N. Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
How To Apply
By Mail
Download, print, fill out and return the ECEAP application by following the directions in the application.
Alternatively, visit our main office to complete the paperwork and submit it in-person.
YWCA Спокан
930 N Monroe St
Спокан, Вашингтон, 99201