Advocacy & Assistance
This service is for survivors who are in need of housing or rental related assistance due to intimate partner domestic violence. We provide advocacy, resource navigation, safety planning, and education on housing issues for survivors.
Access Services
Note: Our financial assistance is restricted to currently available funds. Support is tailored to each individual’s circumstances as best we can and cannot be guaranteed. Thank you for understanding.
Walk-in Hours
- Available every Monday from 9:00am - 11:00am
- Go to 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
- Those we aren't able to serve during this time will be called the same week to discuss housing options
- Survivors (with or without dependents) who have a housing need or concern related to a recent intimate partner violence incident
- Households seeking financial assistance must be at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI for their family size). Additional restrictions around rent limits may also apply.
Important Resources
Find a Shelter
If you or someone you love is in immediate need of a shelter, visit Shelter Me Spokane, a site updated with the current status of local shelters.
Survivors of intimate partner violence who are actively fleeing an abusive relationship can call YWCA Spokane's 24hr helpline at 509-326-2255.
Housing Resources
To help manage housing and shelter needs, the City has created a coordinated entry to services.
To learn more about the different types of housing support services, where services are located, and how to access them, click below.
Income Limits
To qualify for financial assistance, households must have 80% or less of area median income (AMI).
AMI is the midpoint income for the local area. It is determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and means that half of the people earn more than the median, and half of the people earn less.