Self Care
Prevention at Home Video Education Series
YWCA Spokane staff have joined together to create a unique online engagement opportunity focused on cultivating increased community education and awareness surrounding issues related to intimate partner domestic violence. The 11-part video series presents engaging, educational content for individuals from any background or current knowledge base.
The videos and blog posts also offer watchers an opportunity to get to know YWCA Spokane advocates on a personal level; each contributor brings their own personality into their writing and presentation style. Each topic within the series has its own blog post, like this one, including a video. All of the other topics in the series are linked below.
As you watch these videos and read the blog posts, we hope that you will gain more knowledge, explore topics that you may not have been exposed to, and empower yourself and those around to be in healthier, happier relationships. Thank you for taking the time to further your education, awareness, and understanding surrounding these critical issues.
Self Care
What comes to mind when you hear the term “self-care?” Hot tea, bubble baths, and candles? To many, a day to oneself to rejuvenate and unwind sounds like a distant dream. “Someday, I might have the time and money.” Think about your day today.
Did you brush your teeth this morning? Did you change your clothes or brush your hair? Have that morning cup of coffee? Maybe some breakfast? These are things we do to take care of our health and wellness. When we do these things deliberately with the intention of nurturing and caring for ourselves, we are actively practicing self-care. And it’s just that – a practice. It’s not something that is easy to master or that may always come easily. Sometimes, self-care can be a real challenge. In fact, it can be that thing that you’ve been avoiding, but that you know you need to do like going to the dentist or finally getting something out of the way like filing your taxes.
The truth is, self-care will look different for each and every one of us, and it may also look different each day. So listen to your body, your heart, and mind. What is it that I need to feel rejuvenated, at peace, centered, and balanced? What will help me feel grounded again?
One day, it could be a bubble bath or just a quiet night in with a good book. Other times, I might need a good hour-long conversation connecting with a friend I haven’t seen in ages, or maybe it’s unplugging from social media for a day. Get creative.
Ultimately, self-care is a radical act of self-love. When we take the time to care for and nurture ourselves, we are sending the message that we are worthy, we are valuable, and that we are deserving of care and love. You matter and you deserve your love, affection, and attention just as much as anybody else does, if not more.
When we hear a message long enough, we may start to believe it. This is why the practice of self-care is so crucial in shaping us into the people we want to become. We all have an internal script that plays in our heads and in our hearts, and for some those messages can be downright mean. Practicing self-care transforms that script, dismantles toxic messages, and establishes a more positive, healing message instead. The author Louise Hay once wrote, “Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” By taking care of our needs, we are choosing to dismantle those critical messages and opt for a new one: “I am worthy, I am valued, I deserve love and care.”
In the graphic, you can see a few examples of self-care from the National Resource Center for Reaching Victims
If you’re feeling the heaviness of the world right now and it takes moving mountains to get up and get dressed, know you aren’t alone. Please reach out to someone – a friend, someone you trust, a hotline. Expressing ourselves, feeling the emotions – this is all self-care, too. YWCA Spokane has many different outlets that you can utilize if you need help or are feeling low. Check out our website a to learn more.
Written content and video for this topic within the Prevention at Home series provided by YWCA Spokane staff member, Britta Howard.
Continue Learning with Prevention at Home! 
Explore more topics on your journey empowering yourself and those around you by visiting the following blog posts and watching the other videos in our prevention at home series.
- Services at YWCA Spokane
- What is Intimate Partner Domestic Violence
- Red Flags and the Relationship Spectrum
- Respect, Boundaries, and Consent
- Teen Domestic Violence
- Why Do They Stay or Go Back
- Trauma and the Brain
- Планирование безопасности
- Self Care
- Self Regulation
- Как помочь другу
External Resources for Continuing Education
YWCA Spokane staff members have collected the following external links for you to further your education.
- Equality vs. Equity
- Consent Tea
- Empathy vs. Sympathy – Brene Brown
- Self Care TedTalks
- Talk With Your Kids: Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Violence Against Women, It’s a Men’s Issue-Jackson Katz
- We Are The Lions – Skip Marley
If you or someone you know is impacted by intimate partner domestic violence (IPDV), confidential advocates are always available through our 24hr helpline services via phone 509-326-2255, email, or text 509-220-3725.
Чтобы узнать больше о доступе к дополнительным услугам через YWCA Spokane во время пандемии COVID-19, посетите сайт
By: Mia Morton
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