20 мая, 2022

Реагирование на расистское нападение в супермаркете Buffalo

Again, we find ourselves mourning the loss of beloved Black sisters picking up groceries, parents picking up a birthday cake, a deacon offering transportation to his neighbors. We learn the names and lives of these strangers in Buffalo through another racially targeted mass shooting by a white man. This marks the 198th mass shooting less than six months into 2022.We make the same demands again and again: Keep guns out of dangerous hands. Make automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition inaccessible. Protect students and children. Keep us safe in a country where firearms exist. 

We continue to urge legislators create more policies around gun safety knowing it is a long, uphill battle, for us, those around us, and those who can no longer make the same demands.

Please read the full statement from YWCA USA здесь.

After you have written, called, or texted your Congressmember and/or want to further mobilize and organize, consider exploring these resources:

Автор: Лара Эстарис

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