Recap | Pathways Forward: Realities of Reporting

28 октября, 2024

Recap | Pathways Forward: Realities of Reporting

A discussion on the realities and complexities of reporting domestic violence to law enforcement.

View Recording

On October 23rd, as part of our Месяц действий против домашнего насилия campaign, we held another Pathways Forward discussion to dive into the complexities of reporting domestic violence moderated by Alondra (Domestic Violence Support Advocate, YWCA Spokane) with Kristina (Victim Advocate, LCSNW) and Logan (Legal Advocate, YWCA Spokane).

There are many reasons as to why a survivor may choose to report or not report what's happening. Survivors are navigating a very volatile and dangerous situation, so fears for personal safety from retaliation may be a strong reason not to report abuse. Additionally, if someone is relying on the person causing them harm (such as a caregiver), they may avoid reporting to maintain a level of personal freedoms or avoid nursing care. To explore more barriers, check out this blog post!

Advocates are here to create a safe, non-judgmental space for survivors. The legal system can feel overwhelming and survivors may not feel safe navigating the system alone. Advocates like Kristina and Logan help center survivors' voices in the conversation and believe strongly in empowering and trusting survivors as the experts in their own experiences.

How to Help

  • Encourage the survivor's voice in the process
  • Validate survivors' experiences and avoid blaming or shaming language
  • Support the survivor's decisions

Avoid victim blaming questions such as "why don't they just leave," which blames a person for the abuse they are experiencing instead of holding the person committing that abuse accountable. A better question is "why does the individual choose to abuse?"

Parting Thoughts

"I believe that educating ourselves as a community is the best way forward," shares Kristina.

"No one deserves to be abused. The abuse is not your fault. You're not alone," states Logan.

Автор: Джемма Ридель-Джонсон

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