
AN EVENING IN TUSCANY YWCA Spokane Benefit Dinner & Auction

Thursday, July 11, 2024


An Evening in Tuscany is rooted in a history of intimate gatherings, with good food and great friends, all to raise funds for women and children escaping domestic violence. From those roots, it has grown to become an elevated and unmatched experience of gourmet delicacies, perfectly matched wine, beautiful views, and exceptional entertainment. At the heart of it all is you - You who have a deep love for this work and a passion for gender and racial equity.

Join us for a night of transformational change and unbelievable enjoyment.

Tuscany2022 AuctionPhoto

Dinner & Auction

Take a sneak peek at this year's live auction items and learn more about our featured chef, bartender, and wine.

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Learn more about the history of An Evening in Tuscany and how it's grown over the last 15 years.

Past Highlights


An Evening in Tuscany 2023 was a record-breaking night! With surprise auction items, musical entertainment, and great company, it was a wonderful evening filled with fond memories. Take a look at last year's recap to get a sneak peek of what you can expect (plus some!) this year.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Это мероприятие было бы невозможным без поддержки этих предприятий, каждое из которых щедро занимается поддержкой и прославлением женщин Спокана.

Florence Sponsors

Dinner & Venue Sponsor

Beacon Hill Logo Standard

Travel Sponsor

Freddo Sponsor


Photography Sponsor

Photobooth Sponsor

Floral Sponsor

Chas Health Organizational Logo Sso
MMA Primary Blu Framed
ElzeyLogo PNG

Supporting Sponsor

Coffman Engineering

L.A.C. Drywall

Power City Electric

Big Barn Brewing