Spokane PRIDE 2020
Each year in June, the Spokane community comes together to celebrate LGBTQ+ liberation during national PRIDE month. PRIDE is an annual celebration that honors the brave individuals who fought back against police raids in 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York. Learn more about PRIDE and the Stonewall Riots here.
Going Virtual
This year due to public health concerns, OutSpokane, the local organizers of Spokane PRIDE 2020, have decided to move June festivities to a virtual celebration.
In addition, they have moved the annual parade to October. Learn more about the Spokane 2020 PRIDE Parade here.
YWCA Spokane Celebrates PRIDE 2020
As part of the June PRIDE virtual gathering, individuals and organizations were invited to submit videos to be included in the celebration. Our team at YWCA Spokane was excited to participate! Check out YWCA Spokane’s PRIDE celebration video below!
When We Think of PRIDE, We Think of…
As members and allies of the community, YWCA Spokane wants to celebrate and recognize PRIDE together with you. YWCA Spokane is working daily to pursue peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all and we believe that includes YOU! When we think of PRIDE, we think of…
Although the celebration of PRIDE month looks different this year, we hope that you can find creative ways to celebrate the beautiful diversity of our community!
YWCA Spokane Proudly Serves All
If you or someone you know is experiencing intimate partner violence, please consider accessing YWCA Spokane’s free and confidential programs, services, and support. At any time, you can reach out to YWCA Spokane’s 24hr helpline by calling 509-326-2255, texting 509-220-3725, or emailing help@ywcaspokane.org. More about our 24hr helpline is available here.
By: Erica Schreiber
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