FAQs on Donating to Our Sister’s Closet
Thank you for your interest in donating to Our Sister’s Closet!
Your clothing donation makes the women we serve feel confident, positive, and ready to take on the world. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for helping us serve women in Spokane! If you’re unsure on where, how, or what to donate, we’ve got you covered. See our Frequently Asked Questions below!
Where do I drop off donations? | What kind of donations do you want? | What are some donating best practices? | Are there items you don’t need? | Can I volunteer?
Where do I drop off donations?
Donations can be delivered to our offices at 930 N Monroe St., Spokane WA, 99201 on Tuesday between 9am and 5pm.
What kind of donations do you want?
Currently, Our Sister’s Closet is in need of brand new, packaged bras and panties; brand new, packaged socks; deodorant; and hygiene items. Whenever possible, we prefer new and gently used clothing items, and unused hygiene items. Additionally, we always love to receive:
- Jeans and business casual clothing
- Yoga pants
- Full-size bottles of shampoo and conditioner
- Seasonally appropriate clothing in all sizes, but especially in sizes 0-6 and 16+
- Maternity clothing
- See our Donation Wish-List for giving inspiration
What are some donating best practices?
There are certainly some things you can do to ensure your donation is ready to go once delivered! Some donating best practices are:
- Before donating, please ensure all pockets or purses have been emptied.
- Before donating, please wash your clothing items.
- Please refrain from donating items that are torn, stained, broken or in a damaged state of any kind.
- Please refrain from donating used bathroom products, used makeup, or used underwear, as they cannot be redistributed due to sanitary reasons.
- If you choose to give gift-in-kind, please fill out a gift-in-kind form for tax purposes.
Gift-in-Kind Form
Are there items you don’t need?
While we certainly love to accept business professional clothing, most often our clients are not working in fields that require professional suits or skirts. More often, our clients wear jeans and blouses to their jobs or classes. While we do need some professional wear, most of our clients are seeking business casual types of clothing such as jeans, khakis, etc. We do not need used bras or panties, as we cannot use those items for sanitary issues.
Additionally, we do not need used baby goods, such as car seats or toys. We also cannot accept houseware items or appliances. Those items may be donated to our Domestic Violence Safe Shelter. Learn how here.
Donate Other Items
Can I volunteer?
Yes! We’d love to have you! Our Sister’s Closet would not be possible without the continuing support of volunteers. We are a fast-paced and ever-changing environment, where volunteers do a variety of tasks from sorting the donations we receive, answering phone calls, being personal stylists in appointments and light data entry. Volunteering time to help women find clothing and other items to help them in a time of transition is a tremendously rewarding experience.
Or, gather your coworkers, classmates, or friends for a donation drive! Donation drives are easy, and make a huge impact! When many people get involved with donating, we are able to expand our reach and provide even more services to women in need.
Organizing a drive in three easy steps:
- Call on your community. Are you part of a book club or church group? Work in an office? Want to do something fun and different with your friends? Figure out the people who can help you collect items and let them spread the word!
- Decide what you want to donate to us! The following items are great for drives:
- Bras and panties (Bras can be used, panties must be new)
- Cosmetics – perfume or body spray, make-up and skin care
- Accessories – purses, scarves, belts, shoes, jewelry
- Suits
- Jeans
- Please let us know about your drive. We can help to advertise on our Facebook page (if you are seeking community support), let you know what our greatest needs are and schedule a time for you to drop-off or possibly us to pick up items from you.
Email us at oursisterscloset@ywcaspokane.org or call us at 509 789-9280.
Thank you to our Donors!
We could not do this work without you!
By: Olivia Moorer
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