가정 폭력

Why Language Access Matters…For Everybody

6월 27, 2023 Why Language Access Matters…For Everybody 댓글 닫힘

4 min. read Mujeres in Action is the first organization in the Spokane region dedicated to serving survivors of domestic and sexual violence from the Latino/a/x communities. Over the past year, MiA has been working with the courts and county sheriff’s department concerning language access for limited English proficiency (LEP)…

폭력 툴킷 출시 종료

2023년 5월 10일 End the Violence Toolkit Launch 댓글 닫힘

가정 폭력에는 지역 사회의 대응이 필요합니다 어제 2023년 5월 9일 스포케인 지역 가정 폭력 연합(SRDVC)은 Providence Health와 협력하여 기업을 위한 폭력 종식 툴킷을 공식 출시했습니다. 이 툴킷은 고용주가 가정 폭력 문제에 대해 직원을 교육하는 방법에 대한 리소스 역할을 합니다. YWCA…

Thriving Now – Recap

4월 7, 2023 Thriving Now – Recap 댓글 닫힘

A Conversation on domestic violence On April 5th, 2023, YWCA Spokane hosted a conversation on domestic violence with Askia Underwood, a domestic violence survivor recently featured in Uncovered: The Secrets We Hide. Watch Askia’s story here. Thriving Now is a powerful first-hand account of how domestic violence can turn someone’s…

요약 | 2월 향후 진로: 예방 노력

2023년 2월 10일 Recap | February Pathways Forward: Prevention Efforts 댓글 닫힘

LOCAL EXPERTS JOIN YWCA SPOKANE TO DISCUSS PREVENTION EFFORTS FOR YOUTH During Teen Domestic Violence Awareness Month, YWCA Spokane was joined by Citlalli Briseño, Program Supervisor for Mujeres in Action, and Kami LaMoreaux, Violence Prevention Coordinator for Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition, to speak about their work with young people.…

Mission Moment – Prevention Efforts

2월 1, 2023 Mission Moment – Prevention Efforts 댓글 닫힘

Purpose At its core, violence prevention is about ending cycles of abuse. YWCA Spokane’s prevention efforts focus on doing this with teens by “Holding space to have conversations with teenagers about relationships that they don’t normally have with adults in their lives,” according to Lizbeth Reyes, Prevention Coordinator. She sees…

TDVAM 2023

2월 1, 2023 TDVAM 2023 댓글 닫힘

Every February, a month long national initiative takes place to bring awareness to teen dating violence. Similar to intimate partner domestic violence, teen dating violence can take on many different forms and has a significant impact on our community. When we think about abuse, physical abuse is the first form…

Recap | October Pathways Forward: Centering Survivors

10월 24, 2022 Recap | October Pathways Forward: Centering Survivors 댓글 닫힘

  Local experts join ywca spokane to discuss impacts to domestic violence survivors of current legislative changes (>1 minute read)   During this year’s Week Without Violence, YWCA Spokane was joined by Sarah Dixit, Public Affair Manager of Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington & North Idaho, and Gonzaga Law Professor…

Legal Advocacy Services Guide

8월 25, 2022 Legal Advocacy Services Guide 댓글 닫힘

Legal terms can be tricky. Understanding the difference between a protection order and a restraining order doesn’t come up often in day-to-day life, unless your favorite crime show mentions it; however, in cases of domestic violence, these terms and rules can be crucial for a survivor’s safety. We often receive…

Domestic Violence Protection Orders: Frequently Asked Questions

8월 25, 2022 Domestic Violence Protection Orders: Frequently Asked Questions 댓글 닫힘

Domestic Violence Protection Orders: Frequently Asked Questions If you are applying for or considering a protection order, our team of legal advocates has put together a list of frequently asked questions for you to review. If you choose to review the answers, they can help you prepare for an appointment…

Prevention Team Celebration At Rogers

6월 3, 2022 Prevention Team Celebration At Rogers 댓글 닫힘

YWCA Spokane’s Prevention Team Celebrates the Recent Successful Completion of an Educational Series at John R. Rogers High School Focused on Health Relationships & Dating Violence During the spring semester, the YWCA Spokane Prevention Team spent one day a week for five weeks with students in a Rogers High School…

Day 20: Reproductive Justice & Systemic Racism

5월 27, 2022 Day 20: Reproductive Justice & Systemic Racism 댓글 닫힘

| CHALLENGE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 | DAY 11 | DAY 12 | DAY 13 | DAY 14 | DAY 15 | DAY 16…

DVAM 2021

2월 24, 2022 DVAM 2021 댓글 닫힘

Donate | Chalk Walk | YW Table Talk | Survive To Thrive | Pathways Forward | Business Call To Action October Is Nationally Recognized As Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM) During this national month of advocacy, join YWCA Spokane in our goals to:  Increase Awareness:  Paint Spokane Purple With A…

Safe Shelter at Capacity

11월 24, 2021 Safe Shelter at Capacity 댓글 닫힘

YWCA Spokane’s Emergency Safe Shelter Has Been at Capacity Nearly All of 2021 Rather than turn survivors away when the shelter is full, YWCA advocates rely on hotel availability to fulfill our commitment to finding safe locations where survivors can escape dangerous abuse situations. This is an expensive and imperfect…

Last Chance To Support Survivors During DVAM!

10월 29, 2021 Last Chance To Support Survivors During DVAM! 댓글 닫힘

October is Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM) & YWCA Spokane Looks To Raise $50,000 by October 31st! Throughout the last several weeks, we have offered the Spokane community many ways to spread awareness and step into action during DVAM. In addition, we are looking to raise $50,000 in critical funds…

Pathways Forward: Domestic Violence In Spokane Recap

10월 28, 2021 Pathways Forward: Domestic Violence In Spokane Recap 댓글 닫힘

YWCA Spokane and Local Experts Chart Pathways Forward In A Talk About Domestic Violence in Spokane Thank you to everyone who joined us for YWCA Spokane’s Pathways Forward roundtable event. This year, YWCA Spokane launched our new Pathways Forward series to begin having progress-minded conversations as we enter the post-pandemic…

Domestic Violence and The Business Community

10월 12, 2021 Domestic Violence and The Business Community 댓글 닫힘

Domestic Violence Is A Community Issue, Impacting The Lives Of Our Friends, Co-Workers, and Families Domestic violence doesn’t stay at home. It’s all around us, in school, in the grocery store, in the workplace. Chances are that people in your circle of friends, family, and co-workers has, is, or will…

2021 Chalk Walk | Photo Gallery

10월 8, 2021 2021 Chalk Walk | Photo Gallery 댓글 닫힘

Wednesday, October 6th, in partnership with Riverfront Spokane, our team at YWCA Spokane held a Chalk Walk event in the park downtown as our kickoff for Domestic Violence Action Month. During this national month of advocacy, join YWCA Spokane in our goals to Increase Awareness, Inspire Action and Raise $50,000…