2023년 9월 28일

문화적 전유와 감상

| CHALLENGE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 |

Cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation are terms used to describe how individuals or groups from one culture interact with elements from another culture. Both involve engagement with elements from other cultures and recognize the importance of knowledge and respect for the cultural significance of these elements. These concepts both have an impact and often intersect, but result in different implications.

Cultural appropriation

This refers to the adoption of elements from one culture by individuals or groups from another culture without permission of use or understanding. It occurs without respect for the cultural significance or history of the elements being borrowed, and it can trivialize or commodify those elements. Cultural appropriation can lead to the erasure of the original culture’s contributions, reinforce stereotypes, and cause harm or offense to the group whose culture is being appropriated. Cultural appropriation typically involves a power imbalance, and can reinforce existing inequalities and perpetuate stereotypes.

Image courtesy of Berklee College of Music

Cultural appropriation can include clothing, symbols, practices, or traditions. Additional examples:

  • Traditional Native American headdresses and other regalia as fashion accessories
  • Costumes that caricature or stereotype a particular culture, such as “Mexican” sombreros and mustaches, geisha costumes, or “Arabian” outfits
  • tattoos of religious or sacred symbols
  • Non-Black individuals adopting traditionally Black hairstyles, such as dreadlocks or cornrows
  • Wearing religious symbols or participating in religious practices without understanding or respecting the religious beliefs behind them
  • Appropriating words, phrases, or slang (African-American Vernacular English or AAVE)
  • Copying or profiting from traditional music, dance, or art forms without proper acknowledgment/permission
  • Misrepresenting or commercializing traditional foods without respecting their cultural origins or traditions can be considered appropriation
  • Appropriating traditional art styles, designs, or crafts from other cultures without giving credit or understanding their cultural context can be considered cultural appropriation.

Cultural appreciation

This refers to the genuine understanding, respect, and admiration for elements of another culture. It involves an effort to learn about and honor the cultural significance and history of those elements, and can promote understanding and tolerance among different cultural groups.

Cultural appreciation engages with another culture in a respectful and informed manner. It acknowledges the value and contributions of that culture. It often also includes cross-cultural learning experiences, such as attending cultural events, participating in cultural practices with permission, or engaging in educational activities. It fosters a sense of unity and shared humanity while recognizing and respecting cultural diversity.

While cultural appropriation harms marginalized communities by perpetuating stereotypes or commodifying their culture, cultural appreciation, on the other hand, seeks to empower and uplift these communities by recognizing their contributions.

The key distinction between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation lies in their intent, approach, and impact. Cultural appropriation often involves an insensitive and uneducated taking of cultural elements, while cultural appreciation involves respectful engagement and an effort to learn, leading to positive cross-cultural understanding.

| CHALLENGE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 |

저 : 라라 에스타리스

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