October 19, 2018

Hope for the Holidays 2018

This holiday season is YWCA’s 3rd annual Hope for the Holidays campaign!

Thank you for helping to celebrate the spirit of giving by adopting a family’s holiday wish list this year.  Make this season a little brighter for those we serve who are impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, and unemployment.

To accommodate the different needs of families utilizing services, each department will hold their own drive. Take a moment to review holiday wishlist options provided through the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) or through the Women’s Opportunity Center (WOC).

Contact the program of interest to adopt a family this holiday season. Gifts can be delivered to YWCA Spokane (930 N Monroe) during normal business hours, Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm and on Friday 8am – 3pm.

On behalf of our team at YWCA Spokane and those we serve, thank you so much for your support! 


Department Contact: Shannon Griffiths – 509-789-9294 | shannong@ywcaspokane.org

This holiday season, we hope to have 36 wish lists out of 102 families adopted from our Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). Help us reach our goal!

Each family is looking to have their own customized wish-list sponsored by a caring Spokane group or organization. Wish-lists vary depending on need, so please contact Shannon to hear more about what families need this holiday season. She will make sure to pair you with the best family for your interests!

Wish-lists are intended to serve as a guide for you while shopping. Not all gifts on a wish-list need to be purchased in order to adopt a family. Any donation is deeply appreciated. 

To adopt an ECEAP family this year, please contact Shannon Griffiths at 509-789-9294 or at shannong@ywcaspokane.org. 

Once A Family Has Been Adopted:

  • Please take a photo of you and your group with your gifts!
  • Please donate all gifts unwrapped.
  • Once a family is selected, fill out a donor form to confirm your sponsorship,  delivery dates, and acknowledgment information.

Too busy to shop? Prefer online shopping over going into the store?

Consider making an online donation to ECEAP, and we can do the shopping for you! Please make sure to reference ECEAP in your online donation, and you are good to go! We deeply appreciate any donation amount.

Make An Online Donation

Thank you for your generous support of our programs!


The Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP, pronounced “e-cap”) is Washington’s pre-k program serving eligible 3 and 4-year-old children and their families. ECEAP provides children in 36 counties with education, health services, family support, and parent engagement. ECEAP addresses the needs of the whole child to ensure that gains are sustained.

ECEAP is a FREE preschool that promotes long-term success with school and life. ECEAP provides preschool education, family support, and health and nutrition services.

Compared to similar children who do not attend, children in programs like ECEAP are: healthier when they start kindergarten; are more likely to graduate from high school and go onto college; are more likely to be employed and to earn more as an adult; are less likely to be in special education or repeat a grade in school; and are less likely to become pregnant as a teen or become involved in a crime. (data from Washington State Department of Early Education)

Learn more about YWCA Spokane’s ECEAP.

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Women’s Opportunity Center

Department Contact: Chris Cross – 509-789-9299 | chrisc@ywcaspokane.org

Consider sponsoring a Hope Chest or Toy Chest for a woman or family enrolled in YWCA’s Women’s Opportunity Center (WOC) services and help brighten their holidays while they work toward securing an economic future for themselves and their children.

Due to the nature of our program, new women start with us each day. To accommodate the needs of our participants and their children during what can be a very difficult time of transition over the holidays, we have created wonderful Hope Chest and Toy Chest wishlists we know will fulfill the holiday wishes of those we serve.

Like families staying at our shelter, those served through the WOC often have left everything behind at a moments notice. Thank you so much for helping us providing an empowering holiday season for our families.

Consider empowering a woman to buy her own gifts for her family, by donating a gift-card! A gift-card allows a mother to experience the joy of picking out personalized items for her children and allow families to make their own special holiday meal.

To find the Hope Chest & Toy Chest wish-lists that speak to your heart, contact Chris in the Women’s Opportunity Center at 509-789-9299  or email chrisc@ywcaspokane.org. Thank you! 

Once A Family Has Been Adopted:

  • Please take a photo of you and your group with your gifts!
  • Please donate all gifts unwrapped.
  • Once a family is selected, fill out a donor form to confirm your sponsorship,  delivery dates, and acknowledgment information.

Too busy to shop? Prefer online shopping over going into the store?

Consider making an online donation to the Women’s Opportunity Center, and we can do the shopping for you! Please make sure to reference Women’s Opportunity Center in your online donation, and you are good to go! We deeply appreciate any donation amount.

Make An Online Donation

Thank you for your generous support!

About the Women’s Opportunity Center

YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center features multiple programs to help women achieve their goals in many different capacities. Programs include:

  • Women to Work: This program provides a safe, friendly atmosphere for women to develop their technical skills, network with employers, receive one-on-one guidance, and develop their resume and job portfolio. Learn more.
  • Essentials: This 12-week intensive program provides women with a safe cohort atmosphere that is designed to prepare participants to be successful with educational goals, seeking work, and sustaining employment. Learn more. 
  • Our Sister’s Closet: OSC helps 1100 women a year prepare for their life and career goals by providing confidence through clothing and other necessities in one-on-one appointments in our donation based clothing boutique. Our Sister’s Closet also helps approximately 600 women a year through open store events, where they are able to freely shop the store for their particular clothing and necessity needs.

Learn more about services in YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center.

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Donate Online Today

If this time of year is too overwhelming and stressful for you and your loved ones to shop for Hope For The Holidays wish-list gifts, consider making an online donation in support of one of our programs and they will be happy to do the holiday wish-list shopping for you!

Make sure to reference the program you wish to receive the support when making a donation. Thank you!

By: Olivia Moorer

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