Every February, YWCA Spokane joins organizations across the nation in a month-long initiative, TDVAM (Teen Domestic Violence Action Month) to raise awareness about teen dating violence. During this campaign, we work to normalize conversations about health and unhealth relationships and provide clear ways our community can take action.
Teen Dating Violence
Teens often think some behaviors, like teasing and name-calling, are a normal part of a relationship. However, these behaviors can become abusive and develop into serious forms of violence. Many teens do not report unhealthy behaviors because they are afraid to tell family and friends.
As stated by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
Watch the Pathways conversation held during this year's campaign centered on youth self-regulation and social emotional learning.
Beyond February
Our prevention efforts work to engage and empower youth to create futures free from violence all year round by providing education, resources, and opportunities for youth to foster healthier relationships.
If you are interested in engaging with or learning more about our prevention efforts, please contact our Prevention Coordinator