End the Violence Toolkit Launch
Domestic Violence Requires A Community Response
Yesterday, May 9th, 2023, the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition (SRDVC), in collaboration with Providence Health, officially launched the End the Violence Toolkit for businesses. The toolkit serves as a resource for employers on how to educate their staff on domestic violence issues.
YWCA Spokane was pleased to serve as a partner and content expert on this project. We know helping the business community better support their staff will have a positive ripple in the region. The toolkit is comprised of lessons for any and all employees on the basics of recognizing and responding to domestic violence. It also has additional lessons for HR staff and management to help and implement a workplace policy against domestic violence.
Find our original blog post on the toolkit at ywcaspokane.org/etv-toolkit.
Learn more about the End the Violence Toolkit at endtheviolencespokane.org/toolkit.
In The News
- KHQ – New toolkit aims to combat rising rates of domestic violence in Spokane
- KREM – Spokane coalition launching toolkit aimed at preventing domestic violence attacks
- Providence Blog – Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition and Providence launch Domestic Violence Toolkit
By: Jemma Riedel-Johnson