Educación de la primera infancia

¡Gracias a la Fundación Johnston-Fix por su tremendo regalo!

5 de septiembre de 2019 Comentarios desactivados en Thank You to the Johnston-Fix Foundation for Your Tremendous Gift!

Thank you to the Johnston-Fix Foundation for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assitance Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) will continue to provide excellent education and health services to kiddos in Spokane. Their gift makes a major…


YWCA Spokane eNews – August 2019

Ago 28, 2019 Comentarios desactivados en YWCA Spokane eNews – August 2019

eNews Editions: March | April | May | June | July Celebrating SUCCESSES as Summer Ends From Regina Malveaux, YWCA Spokane CEO As we head into the end of summer we are reflecting on our excitement for the fall ahead! As summer turns to fall the YWCA becomes abuzz with the energy…


ECEAP construye vidas saludables para los niños

5 de julio de 2019 Comentarios desactivados en ECEAP Builds Healthy Lives for Kiddos

Good health during early childhood is necessary for children to grow into well-developed adults. Health habits set during childhood are often indicators of the lifestyle these children will grow into. During these key years of development, if children do not receive the correct nutrition, immunization, or physical care, they can…


Thank you to Numerica Credit Union for Supporting our Drop-In Childcare!

May 8, 2019 Comentarios desactivados en Thank you to Numerica Credit Union for Supporting our Drop-In Childcare!

Thank you to Numerica Credit Union for your grant to benefit our Drop-In Childcare Services! Because of their amazing support, in 2018, YWCA Spokane’s Drop-In Childcare was able to serve 230 moms and 336 children during their time accessing services. We were able to serve 6 to 12-year-olds throughout the…


Congratulations Ryan

Abr 23, 2018 Comentarios desactivados en Congratulations Ryan

Our champion for children! Congratulations to YWCA Spokane’s ECEAP (Early Childhood Education & Assistance Program) Teacher, Ryan Simmons, who was recently awarded the “Spokane Champion for Children Award” by Washington State Save the Children Action Network. A very deserving acknowledgement of your incredible dedication to 3 and 4 year old children…


Smile Makers Visit YWCA Spokane!

Ago 7, 2017 Comentarios desactivados en Smile Makers Visit YWCA Spokane!

On Tuesday, August 1, we had some special guests light up YWCA Spokane with big, beautiful smiles! Delta Dental teamed up the Tooth Fairy and visited our free, on-site drop-in Child Care, a service offered to women using YWCA Spokane’s facilities. The Tooth Fairy visited our awesome kiddos and helped them…


Retired Military Leader Visits YWCA’s Pre-K Program In Honor of Veterans Day

Nov 10, 2016 Comentarios desactivados en Retired Military Leader Visits YWCA’s Pre-K Program In Honor of Veterans Day

Retired Military Leader Brian Newberry Visits YWCA’s Pre-K Program To Highlight the Importance of High-Quality Early Education And To Celebrate Veterans Day Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Brian Newberry, former Wing Commander at Fairchild Air Force Base, and the state directors of the nonprofit Mission: Readiness came to visit the Downtown YWCA’s preschool program to…


Coming Back Together – 2016 ECEAP Team Meeting

Sep 6, 2016 Comentarios desactivados en Coming Back Together – 2016 ECEAP Team Meeting

This year the YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) staff gathered together for a team meeting as the summer came to a close to prepare for a new year of pre-school education for the 3 and 4 year old children that we serve from Spokane and the surrounding communities. The…


New ECEAP Classroom at YWCA Spokane Downtown Location

Jul 1, 2016 Comentarios desactivados en New ECEAP Classroom at YWCA Spokane Downtown Location

The YWCA Spokane’s ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program) is not only transforming lives! We’ve also transformed a new classroom space! The YWCA Spokane’s downtown ECEAP has extended to include a second ECEAP classroom! An interior room previously used mostly for storage has been transformed into our new beautiful Extended…
