Descansar. Recuperar. Reconstruir.
YWCA Spokane entiende que el tiempo para sanar y procesar eventos traumáticos en un ambiente seguro, de apoyo y confidencial puede ser clave para lograr los objetivos.
Centro de oportunidades para mujeres
Ofrecemos servicios integrales y restaurativos para sobrevivientes de traumas sin costo alguno. Nuestras clases y servicios individuales tienen como objetivo apoyar su curación y bienestar mientras desarrolla habilidades, participa en una comunidad de apoyo y logra sus objetivos.
Ofrecemos una variedad de clases, grupos y oportunidades de aprendizaje gratuitas diseñadas para ayudarlo a descansar, recuperarse y reconstruirse del trauma. Las ofertas incluyen yoga sensible al trauma, artes expresivas, manejo del estrés, clases para padres y más.
Vea el calendario mensual para más detalles.
Soporte uno a uno
Si busca apoyo con su búsqueda de empleo, su regreso a la escuela o ayuda con cualquier otro objetivo de vida o carrera, ofrecemos asesoramiento y asesoramiento personalizados gratuitos para ayudarle a avanzar y crecer.
Llame para hacer una cita.
Cuidado de niños gratuito en el lugar
YWCA Spokane provides a free on-site childcare service for caregivers accessing YWCA services in person.
W.Creemos que el cuidado infantil nunca debe impedir que una persona reciba la ayuda que necesita. If you need this service, please call ahead of time to reserve a spot, as space is limited.
Este servicio gratuito permite a los cuidadores concentrar su energía en alcanzar sus objetivos personales y sanarse a través de los servicios de YWCA Spokane.
Note: Caregivers must remain on-site at YWCA Spokane for the duration of the time that their children are utilizing the drop-in childcare service.
Clases disponibles
Obtenga más información sobre la variedad de clases y grupos gratuitos que se ofrecen cada mes.
The Thread Writing Group
In his poem “The Way It Is”, William Stafford writes, “There’s a thread you follow… While you hold it, you can’t get lost.”
This group offers an opportunity to explore the thread of our own stories through writing. Guided writing prompts, support to get you started, along with time and space to write will be features of this group.
Opportunities to improve nervous system resilience through mindfulness and guided reflection will be woven throughout. We invite you to explore your story with us.
How to Join
Go to YWCA Spokane's Women's Opportunity Center located at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201. Let the front desk staff know you are here for this class.
This class is available on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to attend without notifying us ahead of time.
Free On-site Childcare
If childcare is needed to participate, please give us a call at 509-326-1190 to reserve space in our drop-in childcare.
Yoga suave
Esta práctica de yoga sensible al trauma y accesible para todos enfatiza la agencia y la elección personal en un enfoque con los pies en la tierra, que desarrolla habilidades para manejar el estrés y aumentar la conexión mente-cuerpo. Las clases de los lunes incluyen yoga en silla.
Dates & Times
View the class calendar to view the schedule of classes available each month.
How to Join
Go to YWCA Spokane's Women's Opportunity Center located at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201. Let the front desk staff know you are here for this class.
This class is available on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to attend without notifying us ahead of time.
Free On-site Childcare
If childcare is needed to participate, please give us a call at 509-326-1190 to reserve space in our drop-in childcare.
Building Healthy Relationship Skills
Este grupo está orientado a desarrollar los conocimientos necesarios para fomentar relaciones sanas con los demás y con nosotros mismos. Salga con nuevas ideas para respaldar sus relaciones y desarrollar un sentido más profundo de agencia personal, desarrollar resiliencia y desarrollar una comprensión saludable de nuestras emociones.
Dates & Times
View the class calendar to view the schedule of classes available each month.
How to Join
Go to YWCA Spokane's Women's Opportunity Center located at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201. Let the front desk staff know you are here for this class.
This class is available on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to attend without notifying us ahead of time.
Free On-site Childcare
If childcare is needed to participate, please give us a call at 509-326-1190 to reserve space in our drop-in childcare.
Build capacity for Stress Management
Ven a cultivar habilidades para navegar el día a día. factores estresantes de la vida! Mejore la resiliencia y la autorregulación del sistema nervioso a través de la atención plena, el movimiento y la reflexión guiada. Nos enfocamos en mejorar la autoconciencia, la autogestión, la conciencia social, las habilidades de relación y la toma de decisiones.
Dates & Times
View the class calendar to view the schedule of classes available each month.
How to Join
Go to YWCA Spokane's Women's Opportunity Center located at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201. Let the front desk staff know you are here for this class.
This class is available on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to attend without notifying us ahead of time.
Free On-site Childcare
If childcare is needed to participate, please give us a call at 509-326-1190 to reserve space in our drop-in childcare.
Art & Community
¡Ven a construir comunidad con nosotros! Este grupo ofrece la oportunidad de construir relaciones mientras exploramos nuestra creatividad innata. Únase a nosotros en nuestro acogedor espacio y desarrolle un sentido de pertenencia mientras utiliza el arte como medio para la relajación, la reflexión y la autoexpresión. Todos los materiales de arte proporcionados.
Dates & Times
View the class calendar to view the schedule of classes available each month.
How to Join
Go to YWCA Spokane's Women's Opportunity Center located at 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201. Let the front desk staff know you are here for this class.
This class is available on a first come first serve basis. You are welcome to attend without notifying us ahead of time.
Free On-site Childcare
If childcare is needed to participate, please give us a call at 509-326-1190 to reserve space in our drop-in childcare.
Circle of Security Partnering Cohort
This free 8-week parenting program is available for parents to engage through one-on-one sessions with YWCA Spokane advocates registered as Circle of Security facilitators.
Circle of Security Parenting™ is an international program, teaching parents to understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs, support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem, and honor the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure.
This 8 week program requires registration to participate.
- For available times, enrollment or Questions, call or text Teresa, COS Facilitator, at 509-724-6337 o correo electrónico
Course Details
- Cuando: March 31-May 19, 2025
- Time: Weekly on Mondays
- Dónde: YWCA Spokane, 930 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
- OMS: Moms with children ages 1 year and older
- Cost: Free to participants
- cuidado de niños: Free onsite childcare is available upon request