Historias de socios
Spotlight: Community Engagement Team
Each month, we highlight people in Spokane who work to advance YWCA’s mission by creating real and lasting change in our community.
MásA Collaborative Victory for Community Safety: How YWCA Spokane’s Domestic Violence Task Force Is Saving Lives
At YWCA Spokane, our commitment to empowering survivors and creating a safer community is brought to life through the work of the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Task Force. This dynamic coalition brings together YWCA Spokane legal advocates, the Spokane Police Department’s Domestic Violence Unit, county law enforcement, and city and…
MásUnquenchable Hope on Display
Unquenchable Hope will be on display at YWCA Spokane throughout October as part of Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM). When: October 1st – 31st, 2024 | 8am – 8pm Where: YWCA Spokane, 930 N Monroe St, Spokane A Powerful Partnership Earlier this year, Cori Schuman, also known as The Tattooed Potter,…
MásYWCA Participates In Lullaby Project
Earlier this month, Spokane Symphony, Spokane Public Library, and YWCA Spokane collaborated to bring the Lullaby Project to Spokane. The Spokane Symphony is serving as a national partner for Carnegie Hall’s Lullaby Project. The project “pairs new and expecting parents and caregivers with professional artists to write and sing personal lullabies for…
MásEnd the Violence Toolkit Launch
Domestic Violence Requires A Community Response Yesterday, May 9th, 2023, the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition (SRDVC), in collaboration with Providence Health, officially launched the End the Violence Toolkit for businesses. The toolkit serves as a resource for employers on how to educate their staff on domestic violence issues. YWCA…
MásAnnual United Way Giving Campaign – 2022
YWCA Spokane On Giving Back Each year, YWCA Spokane hosts a Spokane County United Way Giving Campaign. Our agency fully believes in the work United Way does in our community, funding vital programs and services, including ours. United Way’s grant programs increase our community’s ability to create solutions to our…
MásA New DV Court Is Coming To Spokane
YWCA Spokane, the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition, and Spokane Superior Court Partner Under New Grant To Bring A Specialized Court To Spokane Focused on Addressing Domestic Violence. YWCA Spokane and the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition (SRDVC) received a $550,000 Justice For Families grant from the United States Department…
MásWhy Support YWCA Spokane
Thank you so much to many of our board members and mission partners for sharing why they support YWCA Spokane. As you plan your year-end giving, we hope you will consider what a difference you could make with a donation to YWCA Spokane. Your gift will help save lives and…
MásSpokane Fire Department Discovers Antique YWCA Silver
Thank you to the City Spokane Fire Department for rescuing two antique safes found at YWCA Spokane’s old facility, prior to the building being demolished. Our appreciation also goes out to the current building owner, Larry Stone, for asking the Fire Department to return these pieces of YWCA’s 116-year history…
MásProvidence Supports Intimate Partner Violence Hospital Response Program
YWCA Spokane Receives $33,000 from Providence Health Care for Intimate Partner Violence Hospital Response Program With a grant from Providence Health Care’s Community Benefit Fund program, YWCA Spokane begins its second year of offering support to victims of intimate partner violence in the healthcare setting. Intimate Partner Violence Hospital Response…
MásPartners In Progress Annual Meeting 2018 – Photo Gallery
YWCA Spokane Celebrates 2nd Annual Partners In Progress Annual Meeting Friends, partners, and supporters of YWCA Spokane joined together to celebrate our agency’s 115th birthday, reflect of successes in the previous year, and acknowledge this year’s award honorees: staff, volunteers, and community partners who made an outstanding contribution in 2017.…
MásDay of Giving – Project Beauty Share
After receiving the largest donation in Project Beauty Share‘s history, the organization will be distributing hair care products (such as shampoo and conditioner) to its partner agencies on Project Beauty Share’s Day of Giving, September 7. The organization has dreamed about this day upon learning they were the recipients of…