YWCA Spokane eNews – September 2019
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Ending The Silence Helps To End the Violence
From Regina Malveaux, YWCA Spokane CEO
Spokane is a special place to live and work. Part of what makes it so special to me is our ability to act as a caring and compassionate community when it counts most.
Right now we have a community issue that requires a community-wide effort to address. Family violence and trauma has become an epidemic in our great city. According to the Spokane Regional Health District, there may be as many as 13,500 victims annually due to underreported incidents of domestic violence. Domestic violence continues to be the number one call to law enforcement and Spokane has some of the highest rates in domestic violence in the state. This is unacceptable.
Thankfully Spokane is responding in full force! Recently, a coalition of community partners called the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition, which includes YWCA Spokane, has been meeting to develop a community campaign that invites a deeper response from our citizens as a whole. Whether you are a victim, a perpetrator, a bystander, a public policy maker, or a funder, the new End The Violence campaign is here to ignite you into action to help end family violence in our community. Learn more about this powerful effort below and mark your calendar for Sept 30th at 7pm for a very special documentary you won’t want to miss, airing on stations throughout Spokane.
Aligned with this community response, YWCA Spokane will be launching our 4th annual End The Silence campaign this October during Domestic Violence Action Month. Silence has surrounded the complexity of intimate partner violence for way too long. We know that intimate partner violence thrives under isolation. By coming together as a community in support of survivors in a public way, we are acknowledging the situation so many victims face and letting them know they are not alone! We are here for you when you need us most!
October will be packed with powerful ways you can get involved and make a deep and lasting impact. In addition to learning more about how you can join our movement to End the Silence in Spokane, we hope you can join us for YWCA Spokane’s most critical fundraiser of the year, the Women of Achievement awards luncheon held Oct 11th. Thank you Spokane for your care and compassion and for joining us on our mission to end family violence in Spokane.
With deep gratitude,
Spokane Unites To Stop The Violence
YWCA Spokane joins the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition and Hamilton Studio to produce a powerful documentary that will air September 30th at 7pm to launch a new effort to End The Violence in Spokane.
YWCA Launches 4th Annual End The Silence Campaign
October is Domestic Violence Action Month. YWCA Spokane invites you to join us as we kick off an incredible month of fun events and powerful activities you can engage in to help End The Silence surrounding intimate partner violence. Thank you for joining us on our mission to let survivors know they are not alone. Ending the silence will help end the violence in Spokane.
Intimate Partner Violence vs Domestic Violence, What’s The Difference?
While they may appear to be the same thing, and certainly have much overlap, Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence are two different terms with different meanings. YWCA Spokane breaks down the difference for you to help clear up confusion within this very complex issue.
Countdown To Women of Achievement 2019
The countdown has begun to YWCA Spokane’s largest and most critical annual fundraiser, the Women of Achievement awards luncheon. This year, held at the Spokane Convention Center on Friday, October 11th, we hope you consider joining us as we celebrate 10 amazing women and be inspired by keynote speaker, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. Make sure to register before it is too late!
YWCA’s GoodGuys Are In Full Force, Join Them!
The movement of Spokane GoodGuys is growing! A force of Spokane men are reaching out to the community to ask them to join a GoodGuys table at the Women of Achievement luncheon. Consider joining this movement of men working to prevent family violence and promote healthy relationships in our community.
Sunday Impact: School Supplies Needed This Fall
Fall is officially here and kids are back to school! Please consider making a donation of school supplies to our domestic violence safe shelter to help ensure children uprooted from their home due to an unsafe relationship have what they need to continue to engage with school activities as much as possible.
Legacy Giving
You have the potential to do something extraordinary, and be remembered forever for the legacy you left behind. YWCA Spokane’s Legacy Circle recognizes individuals who plan to make future gifts through their estates.
Your Actions Make A Difference!
There are many ways you can help YWCA Spokane continue to be a lifeline for thousands of women, children, and families in Spokane.
Donate today, hold a clothing drive, attend an event, schedule a domestic violence training, or share information about YWCA Spokane on social media. Your actions make a difference! We count on the support of friends like you so we can continue to provide trauma-informed, comprehensive services to an average of 325 women and children every single week! That’s an average of 46 people a day!
Your support sends a powerful message of hope and healing to survivors. By supporting YWCA Spokane you let the 16,000+ women, children, and families we serve each year know that they count, their story matters, and that their community is here to support them.
Your investment transforms lives: one child, one teen, one woman, one family at a time.
Thank you for all you do!
Learn more about our circle of Visionary Leaders.
By: Erica Schreiber
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