Coming Back Together – 2016 ECEAP Team Meeting
This year the YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) staff gathered together for a team meeting as the summer came to a close to prepare for a new year of pre-school education for the 3 and 4 year old children that we serve from Spokane and the surrounding communities.
The ECEAP team had a wonderful all-day meeting which included in-depth discussions on policies and procedures, budget and grants, parent leadership, and conscious discipline. The highlight of the day included communication activities that helped to expanded the team’s understanding of how much we relay on our words when giving clear directions, listening activities, and following step-by-step directions.
We are very thankful to have such a fantastic team of caring individuals providing support and services for our ECEAP youth.
By: Erica Schreiber
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