Meet with an Advocate First
Deciding whether to stay with your partner or to leave can be extremely emotional, complex, and dangerous. You don't have to do it alone.
We suggest you meet with one of our confidential Domestic Violence Support Advocates (in person, over the phone, or on zoom) to talk through your options and to plan for your safety and the safety of your family.
Leaving isn't as simple as preparing a checklist
Thinking about how best to prepare yourself and your family can be a lot to process on your own. Below are just a few of the different areas of concern that you may want to consider thinking about as you prepare for your safety.
Our confidential advocates are here to walk along side you as you become clear about how you want to move forward.
Call 509-326-2255 to get connected to an advocate.
___ Drivers license
___ Children’s birth certificates
___ Your birth certificate
___ Social security cards
___ School and medical records
___ Money and/or credit cards
___ Bankbooks
___ Checkbooks
___ Safety deposit box key
Legal Papers
___ Your protection order
___ Lease, rental agreement, house deed, etc
___ Car registration & insurance papers
___ Work permits/Green Card/Visa
___ Passport
___ Divorce papers
___ Custody papers
___ Immunization records
___ House and car keys
___ Medications for you and your children
___ Jewelry
___ Address book
___ Phone card
___ Pictures
___ Children’s small/favorite toys
___ Toiletries/diapers
___ Change of clothing for you and your children