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Auszeichnungen für erfolgreiche Frauen Celebrate and Support Women at YWCA Spokane’s Annual Awards & Benefit Luncheon

Honoring Outstanding Women Leaders and Changemakers

Join us at the 2025 Women of Achievement Awards and be inspired each March as we recognize and honor eight of Spokane’s outstanding women leaders and raise critical funds to support the women, children, and domestic violence survivors who access YWCA Spokane’s programs and services more than 20,000 times each year.

Funds raised help YWCA Spokane continue to provide and expand programs that reduce disparities based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and economic status, increase economic opportunities, and improve health and safety for women, children, and families.

Questions? Contact Us: 509-789-9305 | giving@ywcaspokane.org

Host A Table

Help fill the room by becoming a table captain and bringing your friends, neighbors, or coworkers. It's a special opportunity to help lead the way in recognizing incredible women!

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2025 Honorees

Learn more about the nine amazing women who will be recognized with awards at this year’s event.

See What It’s All About

Every year 1,000+ people who are dedicated to making Spokane a better place come together to enjoy local entertainment, food, champagne, and community; all while being inspired by the achievements of each impressive honoree and a message from a powerful keynote speaker.

Past Award Recipients



Since 1982, we’ve honored more than 260 incredible women in the region through this special awards ceremony.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

This event would not be possible without the support of these businesses, each generously dedicated to supporting and celebrating Spokane’s women.

Signature Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor

Honoree Sponsor


Video Sponsor

Hamilton Studio Lo Logogo

Survivor Sponsor

AgWest Logo CMYK FullColor

Women's History Month Sponsor

Design Sponsor

Hanna MP

Gift Sponsor

Inland Imaging 2016 Blue

Advertising Sponsor

Lamar Logo

Achievement Sponsor

Staff Sponsor

Award Sponsors

Kaiser Aluminum Logo

Program Sponsors

Alliant Aerial@500px
Itron Logo RGB
RPS Logos New 2017 Primary Logo (002)

Achievement Sponsors

Color PotlatchDeltic Logo Left CircleR
Spokesman Review Logo
Chas Health Organizational Logo Sso
4 News Now Color

Table Sponsors

Eide Bailly

Idaho Central Credit Union

Goodale & Barbieri

Global Credit Union

The NATIVE Project

Umpqua Bank