Unterstützung in der Krise
Give Today For many, holidays are a time filled with warmth, joy, friendship, and good food. It always leaves me reflecting on what love, comfort, and hope mean for our community and those that YWCA Spokane serves. As I spend time with my family this season, I am grateful to…
MehrI am grateful to be able to share some good news with you today about one of the ways we’re collaborating with law enforcement to prevent senseless violence and protect survivors.
MehrÜber Our Sister's Closet Our Sister's Closet (OSC) ist eine kostenlose Boutique für Damenbekleidung und Bedarfsartikel. Sie steht allen in der Gemeinde zur Verfügung, die von dieser Ressource profitieren könnten, unabhängig vom Geschlecht; Klienten müssen weder ihr Einkommen nachweisen noch sich als Opfer von häuslicher Gewalt ausweisen …
MehrÜber Mobile Housing Advocatacy Jeder verdient eine sichere und stabile Unterkunft. Das Wohnungssystem ist ein komplexer und verwirrender Prozess mit Ressourcen und Optionen, die sich ständig ändern. YWCA Spokane Mobile Housing Advocates sind ein wirklich mobiles Team und treffen Klienten in der Gemeinde. Sie helfen Überlebenden von Lebenspartnerschaften…
MehrÜber DV Support Advocacy YWCA Spokanes Domestic Violence Support Advocacy schafft einen einladenden und vorurteilsfreien Raum für Überlebende, in dem sie die Komplexität ihrer Situation ergründen und sich gehört fühlen können. Während des Aufnahmeprozesses hören sich die Support Advocates die aktuellen Bedürfnisse des Überlebenden an und bieten Optionen an. Ein Bestandteil dieses ersten…
MehrFostering Community at YWCA Safe Shelter It would be hard to talk about YWCA Spokane’s Safe Shelter without talking to Melanie Wilson, Shelter Resource Coordinator, who has been with the agency for over 22 years. When Melanie first started with the agency, she was providing childcare at the shelter. She…
MehrAbout Safe Haven YWCA Spokane’s Safe Haven is an on-site classroom that gives kids a space to be kids, while their parents and caregivers access our free programs and services. Safe Haven is a free service open to youth from 6 weeks to 12 years old. Our classroom is stocked…
MehrAbout Our Legal Services Interacting with the legal system is a complicated and lengthy undertaking for anyone. The process often takes completing a stack of paperwork and then knowing how to proceed from there. At YWCA Spokane, those served by our legal services are survivors of intimate partner domestic violence…
MehrZweck Our Sister's Closet (OSC) ist die kostenlose Boutique für Damenbekleidung des YWCA Spokane, die jedem in der Gemeinde zur Verfügung steht, der Bedarf äußert. Alle Kleidungsstücke und Bedarfsartikel werden von der Gemeinde großzügig an das YWCA gespendet. Wirkung Für einige unserer Kunden ist das Einkaufen im Kleiderschrank das …
MehrContinued YWCA Services Available for Survivors During COVID-19 During this pandemic, our services are still available, and our staff are passionate about supporting our community. We know that the stress of all of the unknowns in the current situation we are all facing, the financial hardships that have come up…
MehrWide-Ranging Impacts Felt by our Community The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, began to affect humans in November 2019. The first case in the United States was confirmed in January 2020. Governor Inslee announced the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order” on Monday, March 23rd, 2020, and before then, many businesses in Spokane…
MehrMake an impact this week by donating to YWCA Spokane! Our Domestic Violence Safe Shelter is in need of summer survival kits to help kiddos in our shelter have a blast this summer! Providing summer games, swimsuits, lunch items, snacks, sprinklers, and beach towels to our agency makes a huge…
MehrContent advisory: This blog post discusses domestic violence homicide, including statistics and risk factors, in detail. If you find yourself distressed or triggered by this topic, you may wish to skip this or have a support plan ready for yourself. Our 24-hour helpline is always available if you have questions…
MehrOn May 17, YWCA Spokane hosted an Address Confidentiality Program Training to teach our advocates about the program and how to become certified to help survivors be safe in their homes. What is Address Confidentiality Program? The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is part of a safety plan that gives survivors…