October 3, 2018

Cupcakes and Champagne Recap

To kick-off Domestic Violence Action Month, YWCA Spokane Staff, Board Members, and Misison Partners gathered together at the Steam Plant to End The Silence with Domestic Violence.

Event Recap

The event was held at the Steam Plant October 1st, 2018 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. Attendees wore purple to the event, a visual stand against domestic violence. Purple is a representation of peace, courage, survival, honor, and the dedication to end violence.

During the event a raffle was held, prizes included a trip to Walla Walla, a painting by a local artist, and dinner for two. The Cupcakes and Champagne event allowed staff, board and mission partners the opportunity to be in community and share their passion and focus for helping survivors.

Playing an important role in YWCA Spokane’s movement to end the silence Allstate recognized Sweet Frostings as a significant contributor to ending domestic violence in Spokane. Sweet Frostings was awarded with the signature purple purse designed by Serena Williams. In acknowledgement of Domestic Violence Action Month, the Steam Plant will be lit purple for the first half of October and the other half it will be lit pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Thank You!

We are so grateful to our Cupcakes and Champagne event sponsors, Allstate’s Purple Purse Foundation and Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop! Sweet Frosting Blissful Bakeshop provided delicious cupcakes for guests to enjoy. Courtesy of Allstate appetizers, and a glass of complimentary glass of champagne was provided.

Thank you to Nicole Nimens for organizing Cupcakes & Champagne and other events for Domestic Violence Action Month.

If you are interested in training contact Nicole Nimens, YWCA Spokane Community Education and Outreach Coordinator, at nicolen@ywcaspokane.org or call 509-789-9290 if your organization/business plans to engage in the End The Silence movement. She is available for trainings on domestic violence and prevention. The YWCA Spokane is here to support and promote you every step of the way.

We are grateful for the ability to acknowledge Domestic Violence Action Month as a community and have the opportunity to come together to end the silence.

PledgeToEndTheSilence_purpleThis October is YWCA Spokane’s 3rd annual End The Silence Campaign.

A growing number of individuals, institutions, organizations, and businesses are pledging to End The Silence by engaging in a full month of events and activities designed to promote healthy relationships, end victim blaming, and let victims and survivors know they are not alone.

Throughout October, YWCA Spokane will encourage our community to speak up, speak out, and visually show support against the devastating silence that surrounds domestic violence. We also encourage community members to practice and teach healthy relationship practices, especially with children so they may practice healthy relationships as adults.

End the Silence Press Release 

To achieve this goal, we have a four-pronged End the Silence Campaign Goal. It is:

  1. Awareness: Increase awareness in our community about services available for domestic violence survivors.
  2. Education: Provide domestic violence training, resources, and campaign materials for individuals and business, including tools explaining how to help if someone you know is in an abusive relationship.
  3. Allyship: Build partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and educational institutions who want to take a stand against domestic violence and show victims they are not alone, the we are here together as support, and we will no longer be silent about domestic violence.
  4. Prevention: Make conversations about relationship dynamics and how to treat each other with respect a common practice. Provide opportunities for meaningful discussions about healthy relationships at the dinner table and in every day situations with those we love, including our children.

Community members and local businesses are asked to identify themselves as allies for domestic violence victims through a series of easy ways they can join this movement and make a difference this October. Learn how you can help end the silence in your everyday life through events, support, online presence, and education.

Learn more about the Campaign 

Please see our gallery below for photo from the event.

By: Olivia Moorer

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