Children & Youth
The third annual Youth Self-Care Summit was held on Saturday, December 14th. The Youth Self-Care Summit is a special one day celebration brought to the community through a partnership between YWCA Spokane and Strong Women Achieving Greatness (SWAG). The Summit brings youth together to participate in interactive workshops that teach…
MoreThe Role of Parents in ECEAP ECEAP (pronounced e-cap) stands for Early Childhood Education Assistant Program. YWCA Spokane’s ECEAP teaches important life skills and wraps the entire family in holistic care. We know that supporting parents, caregivers, and the entire family helps create an environment that sets children up for…
MoreAbout ECEAP ECEAP (pronounced e-cap) stands for Early Childhood Education Assistant Program. At its core, ECEAP is free preschool for qualifying families, focusing on kindergarten readiness. YWCA Spokane’s ECEAP does more than prepare kids for school; it teaches important life skills and wraps the entire family in holistic care. “We’re…
MoreLGBT+ Students in The Classroom LGBT+ youth experience different barriers than straight & cisgender youth, both inside and outside the classroom. LGBT+ youth are more likely to miss school due to fears about safety and bullying. Bathrooms and locker rooms pose additional challenges for students whose gender identities do not…
MoreThank you to everyone who joined us for YWCA Spokane’s Pathways Forward roundtable event. This year, YWCA Spokane launched our new Pathways Forward series to begin having progress-minded conversations as we enter the post-pandemic world. Our July discussion focused on the trauma experienced by kids and caregivers in our community.…
MoreYWCA Spokane’s Prevention Team is dedicated to ending Intimate Partner Domestic Violence before it ever begins. As a part of our prevention work, YWCA Spokane reaches out to young women and young men in the community with the goal to promote and educate about healthy relationships and to spread awareness…
MoreGood health during early childhood is necessary for children to grow into well-developed adults. Health habits set during childhood are often indicators of the lifestyle these children will grow into. During these key years of development, if children do not receive the correct nutrition, immunization, or physical care, they can…
MoreMake an impact this week by donating to YWCA Spokane! Our Domestic Violence Safe Shelter is in need of summer survival kits to help kiddos in our shelter have a blast this summer! Providing summer games, swimsuits, lunch items, snacks, sprinklers, and beach towels to our agency makes a huge…