Care Package Request Form

Fast access to clothing & necessities in Our Sister's Closet

Request a Care Package for your Client

If your client is in urgent need of clothing and hygiene items, complete the below request form and we will assemble a care package for you or your client to pick up at our front desk. Requests must come from a local partnering service organization or an advocate or social service professional from YWCA Spokane. Direct any questions to

Care Package Submission Form

Care Packages are curated to meet individual needs within the product we have available.


Women's Opportunity Center

2022 02 WOC Classroom Yoga 2 450x237

Free Classes Rest, recover, & rebuild through our drop-in classes

We offer an array of classes, groups, and learning opportunities designed to help you rest, recover, and rebuild from trauma. Offerings include trauma-sensitive yoga, expressive arts, stress management, parenting classes, and more. 

Volunteer Brandi Starbucks YWCA Spokane WOC Resume Support

Looking for work? One-on-one support is help achieve set goals

If you are looking for support with your job search, going back to school, or help with any other life or career goals, we offer free personalized coaching and mentorship to help you move forward and grow. 

1-on-1 Support