September 6, 2018

Cupcakes & Champagne 2018

You and a guest are invited to join YWCA Spokane’s private celebration of our 3rd annual End The Silence campaign during Domestic Violence Action Month (DVAM).

Located at the Steam Plant’s unique venue on Monday, October 1st from 5pm-7:30pm, we will kick off the start of this critical local campaign which asks community members to join us on our mission to End The Silence with domestic violence.

Guests will enjoy delicious cupcakes from Sweet Frosting Blissful Bakeshop, appetizers provided courtesy of Allstate, and a complimentary glass of champagne. Tickets to fantastic raffle prizes and additional beverages will be available with a donation in support of domestic violence survivors and the End The Silence movement.

Print Invitation

Painting The Town Purple This October

Supporters of the movement wear purple as a visual stand against domestic violence. Why purple? In the United States military, the Purple Heart is presented to those who have been wounded while serving. For survivors of domestic violence, who may also be wounded both physically and emotionally, the color is meant to be a symbol of peace, courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending violence. 

In addition to enjoying purple accented treats and beverages, consider donning purple attire and accessories to the event and throughout the month of October. To start the month off right, we will celebrate the Steam Plant’s stacks turning purple! Don’t miss it!

Purple Purse of Honor

The Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse campaign is dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence through financial empowerment. 

Locally, Allstate has been an important partner in YWCA Spokane’s movement to end the silence. During this event, Allstate will recognize a locally nominated individual who has made a significant contribution to ending domestic violence in Spokane with a signature Purple Purse designed by Serena Williams.

We hope that you will join us and help YWCA Spokane ensure a successful start to this year’s Domestic Violence Action Month and End The Silence campaign!

Who Is Invited

YWCA Spokane invites our deeply valued Mission Partners, board and staff, and core supporters, plus a guest, to attend this special celebration of our collaboration and efforts to impact change and inspire action in our community.  Please RSVP to Nicole Nimens at or call 789-9290 to help our team prepare for a successful evening.

Thank You To Our Event Sponsor

Since 2005, The Allstate Foundation and their Purple Purse program has been committed to raising awareness for domestic violence and financial abuse as a prevalent — and often misunderstood — issue in our society today. With over $60 million invested nationally, their efforts have helped over 1.3 million survivors of domestic violence. We are deeply grateful for their partnership locally and nationally and for their support of this special event.

Domestic Violence Is A Community Issue

Reducing family trauma and violence has been selected by Priority Spokane and the Spokane Regional Health District as a top community concern.  We must come together to address the prevalence of DV in our city; a problem which affects our families, our community, and our economic health. We thank you so much for joining YWCA Spokane on this important mission.

About End The Silence

Momentum is building and our team is excited to launch the 3rd year of this crucial campaign. A growing number of individuals, institutions, organizations, and businesses are pledging to End The Silence by engaging in a full month of events and activities designed to promote healthy relationships, end victim blaming, and let victims and survivors know they are not alone.

Throughout October, YWCA Spokane will encourage our community to speak up, speak out, and visually show support against the devastating silence that surrounds domestic violence. Community members and local businesses are asked identify themselves as allies for domestic violence victims through a series of easy ways they can join this movement and make a difference this October.

Learn More About End The Silence


By: YWCA Spokane

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