YWCA Spokane Legacy Circle

Make a Lasting Impact—Now and Beyond Your Lifetime

A Legacy of Lives Changed

YWCA Spokane’s Legacy Circle honors the compassion, generosity and foresight of the incredible individuals who have chosen to include the work of YWCA Spokane in their wills and estate plans. 

Since the first 90 women pledged support to YWCA Spokane upon our inception in 1903, countless lives have been changed thanks to the generosity and leadership of Spokane community members. Building on this incredible legacy, you can choose for your own legacy to support a lifeline for women, children, and families for generations to come. 

A Future Without Violence


YWCA Spokane is driven by our mission to eliminate racism and empower women.

Together with our Legacy Circle donors, we envision a future without violence in an inclusive and thriving community transformed by racial and gender equity, with peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all people.


We've been here since 1903 and plan to be here until the work is done. This is the commitment we make to you:

We will get up and continue to do the work until injustice is rooted out, until institutions are transformed, until the world sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do: Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable.


In 2023 we launched our first endowment, The Forever Fund. 

Unless otherwise designated, your legacy gift will be invested as the principle in this fund where it will grow for generations to come. The interest gained will be used to fund YWCA Spokane’s services as a dependable source of income in an unpredictable future.

Planning Your Gift

There are many ways for anyone to leave a transformational gift to YWCA Spokane. We can help guide you through the process, including providing sample bequest language that can be used to support YWCA Spokane's mission through your estate.

Give Through Your Will

A bequest is a simple way to provide for the future of YWCA Spokane. 

Through your will or revocable living trust, you can make a gift of:

  • A specific dollar amount
  • A particular asset
  • A portion of what remains after other distributions have been made

Designate a Benificiary

Naming YWCA Spokane as a beneficiary is a simple and affordable way to make a meaningful gift.

You can designate YWCA Spokane as a beneficiary of:

  • A life insurance policy
  • Your IRA or other retirement plan
  • An investment account
  • A bank account

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We are here to help you start creating your legacy at YWCA Spokane.

Philanthropy Office


Learn about our impact on the Spokane community and the people we serve.

Our Stories

Read and watch inspiring stories of lives changed thanks to donors like you.


Learn more about the services we offer and access help for you or someone you know.


فبراير 13, 2025 فبراير 19 @ 11:16 ص

Jerrall Haynes, Board Member Highlight

YWCA Spokane is proud to take this opportunity to highlight a deeply valued member of our board of directors, Jerrall Haynes.

فبراير 4, 2025 فبراير 19 @ 11:16 ص

Yvonne Smith, Board Member Highlight

YWCA Spokane highlights Yvonne Esquibel Smith, a member of our Board of Directors. We are grateful for her incredible contributions to our community.

فبراير 3, 2025 فبراير 19 @ 11:16 ص

Mission Moment – The Empowerment Model

The Empowerment Model at YWCA Spokane helps survivors of domestic violence regain control by providing support, options, and resources to make their own decisions. It fosters confidence, self-sufficiency, and independence, ensuring survivors are active participants in their healing journey.


ديسمبر 10, 2024 فبراير 20 @ 10:00 ص - 11:30 ص

DV 201 التدريب: التعلم في العمل

Join YWCA Spokane for this important sequel, virtual training on February 20th at 10:00am. Learn more about the unique barriers and challenges survivors navigate on a daily basis and talk through how you might help a survivor.

يناير 7, 2025 فبراير 27 @ 12:00 م - 1:00 م

Pathways Forward: Supporting Youth

Join YWCA Spokane and community advocates for a roundtable discussion on supporting youth during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) this February.

يناير 14, 2025 أبريل 17 @ 5:00 م - 7:00 م

Equity For All 2025

Join YWCA Spokane for a courageous conversation on the impact of restorative practices on April 24, 2025, from 5pm – 7pm at Hamilton Studios (1427 W Dean Ave, Spokane, WA 99201). Learn with community leaders and witness a showcase of local artists.