مايو 23, 2019

YWCA Prevention Team Hosts Field Trip at Camp Reed

Last year, YWCA Spokane received a grant through the Hagan Foundation. This grant supported YWCA Spokane’s ability to hold healthy relationship groups in local high schools through our Prevention Team. At Rogers High School, YWCA’s Prevention Team had the opportunity to meet with Roger’s leadership class.

This class consists of 45 Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors; these students act as mentors to Freshman students who have been identified as individuals who may need help in school. Skills and resources that these students learn in leadership exercises get passed on to struggling freshman through peer influence.

On Fridays from February to May, YWCA Spokane’s Prevention Team visited the class to talk about a variety of topics, including: the root causes of violence, oppression and privilege, equity vs. equality; boundaries; healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships; how to help a friend; and bystander intervention.

Learn More about our Prevention Team

As a reward for participating in this class and this group, the Prevention Team and two teachers took the group through the Camp Reed Challenge Course. The grant paid for all expenses related to this trip. In turn, that ensured that there would be no expense to the teen’s families or to the school. The youth enjoyed a memorable experience while working on communication and leadership skill building. They learned about themselves, each other, and bonding with their classmates.

The Prevention Team, teachers, and students alike all were able to engage in different games and tasks that involve different types of communication, teamwork, and strategies.

Examples of teamwork activities including bridge building with limited supplies, helping each other move over a seemingly impassable, large wooden wall, obstacle course, and limitation games where you were unable to talk while achieving a set goal. The staff Camp Reed had was incredible, encouraging and engaging with the students. They did a wonderful job incorporating fun into an effective learning model.

“It is incredible what can happen when we are given space to work with students, meet them where they are at, and have funds to be able to engage them in a positive way where they can learn”.- CSO Advocate and Prevention Specialist, Rachael McCrady

A Special Thanks to the Hagan Foundation!

We feel a deep sense of gratitude toward the Hagan Foundation for their dedication to helping children in our region succeed. Thank you for funding this trip for Roger’s High School students, as well as our entire Y3 program, a subset of the prevention team’s efforts.



Join the Prevention Team Today!

Join the Prevention Team in promoting healthy relationships and ending intimate partner violence before it ever begins. There are many ways you can get involved as a parent or student.


RESOURCES for your teen

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