20 أكتوبر 2021

رحلة ماكيلا من البقاء إلى الازدهار

Makayla’s Story

“Makayla” is a domestic violence survivor and YWCA Spokane client who wanted to share her healing journey with the community. Makayla’s story focuses on how she went from surviving to healing and ultimately thriving. Her parting advice reminds survivors that they are not alone and deserve to be at peace.

Makayla’s name and voice has been changed to protect her identity and safety.

Domestic Violence Survivors Deserve Healing And Thriving Futures

Domestic Violence Action Month and YWCA’s أسبوع بلا عنف aim to raise awareness and engage communities in actionable ways to help end gender-based violence that women, girls, and people of color across the U.S. and around the world face every day.

Stories of violence, survival, and resilience have become too common. Too often, narratives around domestic and gender-based violence focus on survivors’ individual endurance through multiple and overwhelming sources of adversity. We recognize the limits and honor the significance of resilience in surviving violence but aim to collectively work towards healing.

We want to shift focus away from a survivor’s endurance, and instead center their healing and renew our collective commitment to putting an end to all forms of violence – creating an environment where survivors can have the healthy, safe, and just futures they deserve.

We will get up and continue to do the work until injustice is rooted out, until institutions are transformed, until the world sees women, girls, and people of color the way we do: Equal. Powerful. Unstoppable.

Learn More About Intimate Partner Domestic Violence

Consider going through our free From Survive To Thrive educational series with your friends, family, and co-workers to learn more about intimate partner domestic violence and approach YWCA Spokane’s confidential advocates take to support survivors.


YWCA Spokane Is Here For You

إذا تأثرت أنت أو أي شخص تعرفه بالعنف المنزلي من جانب الشريك الحميم، فاعلم أن المدافعين السريين متاحون دائمًا من خلال خدمات خط المساعدة لدينا على مدار 24 ساعة عن طريق الاتصال 509-326-2255، البريد الإلكتروني help@ywcaspokane.org، أو الرسائل النصية 509-220-3725.

لمعرفة المزيد حول الوصول إلى الخدمات الإضافية من خلال YWCA Spokane أثناء جائحة كوفيد-19، يرجى زيارة الموقع ywcaspokane.org/services.

Since 1903, YWCA Spokane has been helping community members overcome social, economic, and personal barriers in order to accomplish their goals and achieve healthier and more fulfilling lives. Today, areas of focus include supporting victims of intimate partner domestic violence, promoting early childhood education and the economic advancement of women, and confronting racial and social justice issues that negatively impact our clients and our community. You can learn more about our impact in Spokane هنا.

بقلم: جيما ريدل جونسون

المنشورات ذات الصلة

فبراير 13, 2025 فبراير 13 @ 6:23 م

Jerrall Haynes, Board Member Highlight

YWCA Spokane is proud to take this opportunity to highlight a deeply valued member of our board of directors, Jerrall Haynes.

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Yvonne Smith, Board Member Highlight

YWCA Spokane highlights Yvonne Esquibel Smith, a member of our Board of Directors. We are grateful for her incredible contributions to our community.

فبراير 3, 2025 فبراير 13 @ 6:23 م

Mission Moment – The Empowerment Model

The Empowerment Model at YWCA Spokane helps survivors of domestic violence regain control by providing support, options, and resources to make their own decisions. It fosters confidence, self-sufficiency, and independence, ensuring survivors are active participants in their healing journey.