معسكر التحولات

A Free Summer Empowerment Camp

A Unique Summer Experience

This week-long camp held each summer at YWCA Spokane offers a safe environment for young people to build confidence, identify strengths, foster a sense of belonging, and build healthy relationships. Learn more about the camp.

Inside the Camp

Camp Details

معلومات عامة

Each camp will provide:

  • Free breakfast, lunch, and snacks
  • A progressive curriculum that covers a variety of topics including what to do when bullied, how to celebrate personal uniqueness, belonging, healthy discussions about body image, healthy and unhealthy relationships, and how to resolve conflict.
  • Upon completion, youth receive a certificate, a bag filled with goodies, branded t-shirts, and a gift card.


Any young person is welcome to register for Camp as long as they are: 

  • 11 to 16 years old
  • Comfortable in a space that centers the experience of individuals who identify as young women of color.
  • Have reliable and consistent means of transportation to the camp each day.


Online registration opens approximately 1 month prior to each camp's start date. There is 20 slots available, once registration is full a waitlist will be created.

Camp 1: 
July 22 - 26, 2024
9:00am - 2:00pm

Camp 2: 
August 12 - 16, 2024
9:00am - 2:00pm 

معلومات إضافية

Camp Facilitator

خايمي ستايسي

It is through our valued partnership with Jaime Stacy and SWAG that we can bring Transformations Camp back to the Spokane community. Jaime has done an incredible job of lifting up and supporting young people in our community through her work at Garry and Shaw Middle Schools and at Rogers High School. 

Jaime believes

“The health of our community depends on the health of the next generation of leaders. I believe in equipping, empowering, and mentoring as a means of prevention; diligently and consistently advocating for enriching experiences that increase human value in our communities. Belonging; our youth belong here. It’s time to create space for them to grow.”

تعلم المزيد عن خايمي وعملها مع غنيمة here.  


المرأة القوية التي تحقق العظمة (SWAG)

SWAG is a mentoring community for girls and young women coming together, a village; a bridge that connects them to their own path towards greatness. Through mentorship, SWAG helps girls and young women to establish a pattern of success that defies statistics and stereotypes. Mentors bring experience, perspective, and objectivity into the mentoring relationship, while helping participants reach their goals and aspirations, which is inclusive of social, emotional, and academic learning. The three components of SWAG are: building relationships, identity, and pursuing success. 

About SWAG


The History of Transformations Camp

Regina Malveaux, previous CEO of YWCA Spokane, began the Transformations Camp program in 2014 in response to a growing request for support with self-esteem and identity issues from young women of color. The camp grew with success each year until 2019.

After taking a two-year break due to the pandemic, we were proud to bring this camp back in 2022 through a new partnership with Jaime Stacy and SWAG (Strong Women Achieving Greatness). The relaunch of the camp was such a success, we decided to host two camps each summer starting in 2023!

It has been an exciting journey of growth and transformation!

Sponsor Support

Thank you Jim!

Special thanks to local champion of this program, Jim Sheehan, along with other key partners for their financial sponsorship of Transformations Camp. This offering would not be possible without their support.

If you or your organization would like to support YWCA Spokane and our efforts to foster healthy relationships within young people in our community, please contact Erica Schreiber, Director of Community Engagement by calling 509-789-8275 or emailing ericas@ywcaspokane.org. 


خايمي ستايسي

Camp Facilitator

Call/Text: 509-385-2320


ليزبيث رييس

Prevention Coordinator

اتصل/أرسل رسالة نصية: 509-370-9024



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