Together, We Can Create Real and Lasting Change
YWCA Spokane advocates policy and matters that advance our mission and vision. We believe that, working together, we can make a difference in the lives of people and communities disadvantaged by inequitable systems and inadequate policies.
اخرج من التصويت
On average, only about 20-30% of the Spokane community votes each year. We know that voting is critical to ensuring a healthy, safe, empowered future for us, our families, and our communities. Join us as we encourage robust, diverse voter participation during each election.
Our Vision
YWCA Spokane advocates policy and matters that advance our mission and vision. We believe that, working together, we can create a community where:
- All women and families have a safe and stable place to live. We support measures that make housing accessible to homeless and low-income women and families, prevent homelessness and promote creation of affordable housing.
- Women are economically self-sufficient. We support measures that promote education and economic justice for women.
- All children and youth develop the skills they need to succeed in life. We support measures that promote children’s health, early learning and school success.
- All people live in dignity, free from violence, racism and discrimination. We support measures that reduce the incidence and negative effects of domestic violence, diminish health disparities and advance social justice.