Tamika LaMere, Board Member Highlight

ديسمبر 1, 2024

Tamika LaMere, Board Member Highlight

Thank you for your service!

كل عضو من أعضاء مجلس إدارتنا الرائع متحمس جدًا لمجتمعنا ويكرسون وقتهم ومواهبهم ومواردهم لتحقيق مهمتنا. بالنيابة عن فريقنا، ومن نخدمهم، ومجتمعنا، نشكرك على كل ما تفعله!

Tamika is a proud citizen of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana and a descendant of the Chippewa Cree people of Rocky Boy, Montana. With a strong background in Social Work and Educational Leadership, she earned her Bachelors of Sociology from California State University and a MSW from Eastern Washington University.

Since 2016, Tamika has dedicated her career to Spokane Public Schools, where she has held roles as an Intervention Specialist, Coordinator, and currently serves as the Director of Native Education. Her work is rooted in strategic planning and implementation, with a focus on creating and facilitating professional development that drives meaningful systems change.

A committed advocate for servant leadership, Tamika remains deeply focused on centering community and believes in the transformative power of collaboration. Her commitment to service extends beyond her professional roles, as she actively contributes to multiple Boards of Directors and committees, furthering her mission to foster positive change and inclusivity.

"I am wholeheartedly committed to the YWCA's mission of eliminating racism and empowering women as I share my lived experience as Native woman that understands that no woman can truly be free if we do not eliminate racism. " - Tamika LaMere

Thank you to Tamika and our entire Board of Directors

We extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible individuals joining our Board of Directors. Their dedication and commitment to our mission undoubtedly bolsters YWCA Spokane's ability to provide vital programs and services to our community. We welcome the support and collaboration that this esteemed board brings to our journey of empowerment, equity, and innovation. 

YWCA Board Members

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