An Evening in Tuscany 2018 – Photo Gallery
YWCA Spokane raised overÊ$70,000Êat An Evening In Tuscany 2018!!!
Pure Gratitude
We are left without words to adequately express the deep gratitude we are experiencing at YWCA Spokane for the support and commitment received by guest at our annual summer evening benefit, held Friday, July 13th, 2018 for the 3rd year at Barrister Winery.
It has been beautiful to watch this Tuscan-inspired fundraiser grow over the years into the sell-out, phenomenalÊevent we just experienced together this pastÊFriday.ÊÊThe passion, enthusiasm, and heart of our donors made it a stunning success, we are so grateful!
Community Impact
This Tuscan-inspired summer evening benefit has become a critical avenue to:
- nurture relationships within the community,
- spread awareness about life changing services,
- and to raise critical funds for our shelter and support services for survivors of domestic violence, including counseling, mental health services, child advocacy, legal advocacy, and opportunities to build economic empowerment.
Thank You To Our Volunteers & Supporters
In addition to a sold out event, over 100 local businesses, artists, and volunteers came together in support of YWCA Spokane’s services for domestic violence survivors.ÊThis event was truly a success due to their contributions plus your amazing support.ÊFrom the bottom of our heart, we thank you!
Thank You To Our Event Sponsors
We would like to extend a special thanks to our amazing event sponsors: Barrister Winery, Beacon Hill Catering, Moss Adams, Columbia Bank,ÊDebbie Zimmerman of John L Scott, and Warrior Liquors.
Without their commitment to YWCA Spokane and those we serve, we would not have been able to create this memorable event. Thank you!
Beautiful Memories From The Night
Take a look at the gorgeous photos captured at An Evening In TuscanyÊ2018. We are so thankful forÊJames & Kathy Mangis PhotographyÊfor donating their professional services as our signature Tuscany photographers. They have done such an amazing job of capturing memories from this once-a-year event.
On behalf of the women and children served by YWCA Spokane,Êwe thank you for your support!
By: Olivia Moorer
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