DVAM 2023 – Recap

November 1, 2023

DVAM 2023 – Recap

This Domestic Violence Action Month, over 700 community members engaged in education, outreach, and events with YWCA Spokane. We are so grateful for this community who joined us to raise awareness, inspire change, and support survivors.

As October draws to a close, we want to express our deep appreciation for your commitment to this critical cause. While this month serves as a dedicated time for awareness, let's remember that the work to end domestic violence continues year-round. Your ongoing support and dedication will help create a safer, more compassionate community for everyone. Thank you for being part of this movement. Together, we can make a difference.


Each October, we work with the Downtown Spokane Partnership to hang DVAM awareness banners across downtown. This year we flew 42 banners on four of our busy streets. Thank you to our banner sponsors: First Interstate BankKalispel Tribe of IndiansBernardo Wills ArchitectsGarco ConstructionSpokane Police GuildStop The Silence Spokane, and Transitions.

Paint Spokane Purple

Shining a purple light for Domestic Violence Action Month awareness is a powerful way to show support and solidarity for survivors. Multiple downtown organizations lit up purple in recognition, including ProvidenceThe Grand Hotel, Fox Theater, Lincoln Building, and MultiCare.


This year we held two community events: A Better Man screening and Pathways Forward. At both events, we engaged participants in courageous conversations about the complexities of domestic violence. We hosted Breaking the Cycle: A Better Man at the Magic Lantern Theatre and examined what justice and healing can look like when the person who causes harm takes responsibility.

Our Pathways Forward: Digital Abuse & Domestic Violence event featured Émilie St-Pierre (Future Ada) and Chandler Dean (YWCA Spokane) discussing how online harassment has changed over time, common tactics, and preventative measures. Read the recap and watch the recording here!

Social Media

We raised awareness on social media on the myths and facts of domestic violence. Our Action Kit also shared other resources and statistics about domestic violence and digital abuse.

  • MYTH: Domestic violence relationships are 100% violent, 100% of the time.
    FACT: These relationships are so complex and often do not start out violent. There may be genuine love for the partner causing harm and fervent hope that things will get better and the abuse will stop. Love and hope are two powerful reasons why a survivor may stay in a relationship.
  • MYTH: Survivors are always financially dependent on their perpetrator.
    FACT: Although we may often think of it as a survivor being cut off from financial resources or not allowed to work, the survivor could be the primary earner and still be taken advantage of financially. Like other types of abuse, financial abuse can come in many forms. This client mentioned being constantly questioned and criticized with how she was spending money.
  • MYTH: Within a relationship, the types of abuse stay the same.
    FACT: Domestic violence situations are volatile and evolving. How domestic violence is perpetrated in the relationship can change at any point.
  • MYTH: Perpetrators abuse everyone they meet.
    FACT: Perpetrators are master manipulators and can curate their public image. To friends, family, coworkers they may seem like caring and charming individuals, but that’s not always the case in private. Manipulation mind games like this can be part of emotional abuse, ultimately influencing a survivor's perception of reality.


Support This Work

In order to ensure our free and confidential services remain available to the 15,000 women, men, children, and families who seek us out each year when they are impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, and unemployment, we rely on the financial support of friends like you. Consider making a gift in support of this work today.

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Special Thanks To Our Key DVAM 2023 Partners

If you would like to learn more about partnering with YWCA Spokane for Domestic Violence Action Month, please email dvam@ywcaspokane.org.

YWCA Spokane Mission Partners
DVAM 2023 Partners

By: Jemma Riedel-Johnson

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