2022 Board of Directors
We would like to take a moment to express our gratitude to our outstanding board of 21 women leaders in the Spokane community who give their time, talent, and support to help ensure this agency is able to continue to provide free and confidential services vital to over 15,000 women, men, children, and families each year.
“We have witnessed tremendous growth over the years in the way we serve our community while also creating a lasting impact on thousands of lives,” states Jeanette Hauck, CEO of YWCA Spokane. “The support and expertise of our passionate board of directors help to make this progress possible.”
Executive Officers
Mireya Fitzloff, Foust Fab | CHAIR
Ashley Cameron, Spokane County | VICE CHAIR
Becky Sechler Patnoi, Washington Trust Bank | SECRETARY
Jeri Self-Merritt, Eide Bailly LLP | TREASURER
Laura McAloon, McAloon Law PLLC | PAST CHAIR
Board Members
Anna Franklin, Providence Inland Northwest Washington
Cari Grandstaff, Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Northern Quest Resort & Casino
Emily Morgan, Community Volunteer
Heather Rosentrater, Avista
Jessica Pakootas, Camas Path
Julie Schmidt, Itron
Kiana McKenna, Pacific Islander Community Association of WA
Linda Hendricksen, Northwest Farm Credit Services
Lisa Simpson, Visit Spokane
Mary Alberts, Community Volunteer
Nicole Jenkins–Rosenkrantz, Spokane Public Schools
Nicole Sherman, Numerica Credit Union
Robin Pickering, Whitworth University
Rowena Pineda, Environmental Justice Council, Washington St Department of Health
Tracie Meidl, Spokane Police Department
Yvonne Smith, Community Volunteer
“Our 2022 Board of Directors is comprised of an incredibly strong and diverse group of women from our community who are dedicating their time, talents, and resources to further help us expand our mission to empower women and eliminate racism in Spokane,” states Mireya Fitzloff, YWCA Spokane Board Chair.
By: Erica Schreiber