Year: 2019
2019 In Review As we reflect back on 2019, we can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the many ways our community comes together to support the work and mission of YWCA Spokane. Below are just a few photos from a powerful 2019. Thank you for being a special…
MoreHappy Holidays From YWCA Spokane! As we reflect on the things we are grateful for, we think of YOU and the many ways you have supported the work and mission of YWCA Spokane this year. We are forever grateful for the ongoing support that allows us to serve thousands of…
More2019 Hope For The Holidays Success!! Thank you to all the amazing individuals and organizations that contributed towards this year’s adopt-a-family holiday wishlist program called Hope For The Holidays. The incredible support received this season helps to make this time of year a little brighter for those we serve who…
MoreThank you to Washington State DSHS BFET Program for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center will be able to provide more programs, classes, and availability for women experiencing domestic violence, homelessness, and/or unemployment. Washington State DSHS Basic…
MoreThank you to the Airway Heights Lions Club for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assitance Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) will continue to provide excellent education and health services to kiddos in Spokane. Their gift…
MoreThank You Miss Shifters All Girls Car Club Your generous donation to YWCA Spokane’s Our Sister’s Closet clothing boutique is deeply appreciated. We greatly appreciate Miss Shifters All Girls Car Club for taking it upon themselves to organize a clothing and necessities drive among their community to benefit Our Sister’s…
MoreThank you to DSHS for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Women to Work Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Women to Work program will continue to provide women with an Essentials Training Program for WorkFirst participants, including a family violence component. The Department of Social and Health…
MoreSUPPORT YWCA Spokane On Giving Tuesday 2019 YWCA Spokane is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that depends on the generosity of individuals, businesses, and foundations to offer vital programming and activities to the community. Our passion is to create safe spaces for those we serve to heal, learn, grow, and thrive.…
More2019 eNews Editions: March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct Giving Thanks With A Grateful Heart From Regina Malveaux, YWCA Spokane CEO It is at this time of year, with a grateful heart, that our family at YWCA Spokane celebrates the generosity received by friends like…
MoreThank you to Umpqua Bank for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center can offer more programming to more women in need. Umpqua Bank‘s generosity will make a lasting impact on women and families experiencing unemployment, homelessness, and…
MoreThank you to the AKC Humane Fund for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors will continue to provide survivors with food and shelter in a safe environment! The AKC Humane Fund gift makes…
MoreThank you to the City of Spokane Community, Housing and Human Services Department for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors will continue to provide survivors with food and shelter in a safe environment!…
MoreThank you to the City of Spokane Homeless Housing, Operations, and Services Program, for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors will continue to provide survivors with food and shelter in a safe environment!…
MoreeNews Editions: March | April | May | June | July | August | September When WE KNOW, WE GROW From Regina Malveaux, YWCA Spokane CEO Two years ago at this time, we watched the #MeToo movement trend on social media. Because of the awareness and exposure built from that movement, more…
MoreA Powerful Show of Support For Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Thursday, October 31st, 2019 marks the end of YWCA Spokane’s 4th annual End The Silence campaign during national Domestic Violence Action Month. We are incredibly grateful for the many ways individuals, organizations, donors, and businesses stepped up to engage…
MoreThank you to The Ludlow Foundation for your grant to benefit YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors Program! Because of their amazing support, YWCA Spokane’s Shelter for Domestic Violence Survivors will continue to provide survivors with food and shelter in a safe environment! The Ludlow Foundation’s gift makes a…
MoreYou Matter and Matter Absolutely Once a week, tucked in the safety of our YWCA building in downtown Spokane, Teresa, a facilitator in YWCA Spokane’s Women’s Opportunity Center, leads a group for women called Expressive Arts Group For Survivors where survivors of intimate partner violence use art as a tool…