2016 Annual Report – YWCA Spokane
YWCA Spokane is proud to provide you with our 2016 annual report.
A message from our CEO, Regina Malveaux, and 2016 Board Chair, Susan Ashe.
2016 was another amazing year of impact at YWCA Spokane. In our Alternatives to Domestic Violence Program we faced a significant loss of federal funding for our shelter and worried that we would be forced to cut critical services. However, through creative problem solving with the City of Spokane and many generous individual and corporate donors we were able to continue providing 24 hour confidential shelter for those families endangered by domestic violence. Through expanded partnerships with local law enforcement, Sacred Heart Medical Center and the Spokane Housing Authority we also increased our capacity to provide for those who come through our doors in need of safety, legal and housing stability.
In our Women’s Opportunity Center we worked to help empower 171 women looking to re-enter the workforce and launched 43 women into new jobs, creating a new employment pathways for those seeking to provide economic stability for their families.
Across our Children’s Services programs our Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP), experience significant growth expanding to five sites serving nearly 300 pre-school aged children across the county. An additional 400 children were able to heal and thrive after experiencing family violence by helping them process and understand that this violence is not their fault and is neither normal or accepted.
And of course, we continued our ongoing quality programs throughout every department at the YWCA through the committed and compassion service of the 75 members of our staff who come to work every day with the goal of helping women, children and families find hope, healing and a pathway forward.
Thank you so very much for your support. You make this all possible.
2016 YWCA Spokane Annual Report
Special Thanks To Our 2016 Board Members
Thank you to YWCA’s 2016 Board of Directors for bringing their passion, intellect, insight, experience, and resources to the table. Each used their skills, knowledge, and education to move our organization forward. Thank you for your service, your loyalty, your leadership, and your guidance. Your commitment helped impact change in our community.
Mary Cameron
Mireya Fitzloff
Nancy Norbury-Harter, Vice Chair
Nicole Stewart
Shannon Kapek
Subarna Nagra
Susan Ashe, Chair
Windy RuddClarissa Willett
Corey Digiacinto
Debbie Zimmerman
Erica Hallock
Julie Holland
Laura McAloon
Laura Vickers
Marlene FeistAmy Biviano
Anjelia Neuson
Ann Hurst
April Anderson
Camille Christiansen
Caren Lincoln
Catherine Kashork
Claire Roberts
Special Thanks to our 2016 Key Partners
The dedication and commitment from our Spokane community business partners is a critical component to our ability to consistently meet the need of those we serve. We are so grateful to belong to a community full or caring, compassionate organizations who want to make a difference in the lives of the women and children accessing our services.
MISSION PARTNER – Providence Health Care
City of Spokane
City of Spokane Community, Housing, and Human Services
City of Spokane Valley
Spokane County Community Services, Housing, & Com. Dev.
US Dept of Agriculture
US Dept of Commerce
US Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency
US Dept of Health & Human Services
US Dept of Housing & Urban Dev.
US Dept of Justice – Office on Violence Against Women
WA Dept of Commerce – Office of Crime Victim Advocacy
WA Dept of Early Learning
WA Dept of Social & Health Services
Allstate Helping Hands
Altrusa International of Spokane
Avista Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Found.
Banner Bank
Caterpillar Foundation
Community Building Foundation
Elizabeth Pool Charitable Trust
Emergency Food & Shelter Prog.
Empire Health Found.
Frank & Gertrude Doyle Found.
George F. Jewett Foundation
Harvest Foundation
Horizons Foundation
Inland NW Community Found.
Johnston-Fix Foundation
Kalispel Tribe Charitable Fund
Legal Foundation of Washington
Mary Jewett Gaiser Unitrust
Mary Kay Foundation
Nordstrom Cares
Pritchard Family Foundation
Safeco Insurance Fund
Soroptimist Int. of Spokane
Staples Foundation
The Seattle Foundation
US Bank Foundation
US Charitable Gift Trust
Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Women Helping Women Fund
Mary Alberts
Carla Altepeter
Teri Ashby-Scott
Susan Ashe
Judi Bailey
Dayna Barton
David Ball
Lois Boyd
David Brandstoettner
Janet Brougher
Christy Burmeister-Smith
Dave Smith
Joyce Cameron
Antony Chiang
Caroline Yu
Camille Christiansen
Dave & Mari Clack
Elaine Couture
Dr. Chrissy Davis-Jones
Pamela Debowes
Mary Delateur
Dr. Marcus Dewood
Luann Padgham
Marlene Feist
Jordan Ferguson
Nicole Floyd
Harriett Fix
Debra Garrett
Jacqueline Gibson
Kristi Gravelle
Erica Hallock
Valarie Hartfield
Hayes Family
Jeanette & Terry Hauck
Carol Haugen
John & Jane Hoffman
Ann Hurst
Mary Jewett
Dr. Christine Johnson
Sabrina Jones-Schroeder
Shannon Kapek
Joann Kauffman
Sue Kautzman
Bob & Jean Kendall
Carol Landa-McVicker
Gina Lanza
Lainey LaRue
Bob Lee
Sherry & Craig Lee
Jo Levan
Caren Lincoln
Regina Malveaux
Vi Martin
Susan Mattoon
Aimee Maurer
Bevin & Martine Maxey
Laura & Tom McAloon
Joan & Doug Menzies
Dana Morris
Scott & Liz Morris
Janet Myre
Subarna & Dave Nagra
Terry Nichols
Trish Nichols
Nancy Norbury-Harter
Teresa Overhauser
Kim Pearman-Gilman
Molly Philopant
Pamela Praeger
Pritchard Family
Kate Reed
Eowen Rosentrater
Melanie Rose
Lisa Schaffer
Mildred Scheel
Leanne Scott
Kevin Sell
Jeri Self-Merritt
Andrew & Mary Beth Smith
Susan Stanaway
Barb Stanton
Nicole & Brady Stewart
Rebecca Stewart
Debra Svoboda
Kim Thielman
Katherine Titus
Maureen Tracy
Laura & Andy Vickers
Sara Weaver-Lundberg
Dr Elizabeth Welty
Chud Wendle
Jan Wigen
Clarissa & Brian Willett
Monica Wozow
Rachael Wright
Dr. Carol Wysham
Andrea & Erika Zaman
Debbie & Charles Zimmerman
By: Erica Schreiber
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